In July we went hiking in Cape Cod. Cape Cod is a peninsula in the south of Massachusetts in the U.S. There are a lot of beaches and they are National Seashore. In a normal year, many New England people go to Cape Cod for summer vacation, but this year with COVID-19, not many people go there. We usually avoid the crowd in summer, and hike in spring, fall, and winter. This year it is not crowded even in summer, so we headed for Cape Cod.
Taking advantage of that, we went day hiking there. This day we started at the trailhead on the Collins Road, across the Ryder Pond. The trail at the beginning was nicely wide in the pretty green forest.
Lush green was so vive! We continued walking for another couple of miles towards the cliff. Under the cliff is ocean. Atlantic ocean is not my ocean, however, it is still nice to see it. (my ocean is Pacific ocean, because I am from Japan.)
On the beach some people were walking and sitting, but it was not crowded at all. They were able to have long social distances.
We sat on the cliff and ate lunch by looking down the ocean. Looking at the ocean for a while, we noticed that there are at least 10 seals swimming in the ocean. Mostly very close to the beach, but never land on the beach. Interesting! Even from the far away, I was able to tell they are cute. Next time we will check them out from the beach. 
Then we carried on walking. Then a problem came. The trail got very very narrow and it was inevitable touching plants. The trail was not maintained much. My immense concern was that there might be poison ivy in the plants. I or Mr.N can't really tell how poison ivy look like. We are familiar with poison oak, which habits Western half of the U.S., but not well with poison ivy.
Because I am SUPER MEGA allergic to poison oak, I know that touching poison ivy will be a huge problem as well. The allergen to cause skin inflammation is urushiol, the oil contained in both poison oak and poison ivy.
My nightmare flashed back. I had a handful experience of getting severe, 2 month lasting lash from poison oak in California.
Due to that, we had to head back to the trailhead. On the way home we bought Tecnu. This is the only effective preventive method to maximize the potential not to have rash and inflammation from poison ivy/oak.
As an immunological point of view, urushiol, the oil from poison ivy/oak is first absorbed by skin. Urushiol itself can't provoke any immune responses. However, once urushiol binds to protein in the skin, it will provoke immune response. Once immune system memorize those molecules, next time you will get strong immune response, which is rash. Now I have established the immune response, it is inevitable to escape from that. Tecnue is basically a solvent for oil. By rubbing Tecnue lotion on the skin, it can dissolve urushiol into the Tecnue. Then wash out the Tecnu. By doing that minimize the urushiol contents to bind to skin proteins. For urushiol to bind proteins takes 8-10 hours, so it is important to wash with Tecnu by end of the day is essential.
Tecnue is sold at any pharmacy like CVS or Walgreen. If you are a hiker, it is good to have it at home. This immune response is established in anyone, at any age, at anytime!
Luckily I didn't get any rashes this time. Phew.
緑が生き生きとしている森を歩いて行く。綺麗な森で誰もいない (1枚目の写真)。5キロほど歩くと崖の上に出る。そこからは海が見渡せる(2枚目の写真)。そこでサンドイッチを食べた。海をみているとアザラシが泳いでいるのが見えた。10匹以上はいた。次回はビーチに行って近くで観察してみたい。
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