Let's talk about gears for cold camping!
Mountains are cold, because it is high in altitude. So, sleeping at night in the mountains are cold. I am very sensitive to cold, so I need warm gears for cold camping.
sleeping bag
First important thing is a sleeping bag. I used my previous sleeping bag for 7 years and it worn out. My old sleeping bag's rating was 15F. Sleeping bag rating means how many temperature you can survive. So, if your sleeping bag rating is 15F, you can survive in the sleeping bag when it is 15F outside, but you are NOT comfortable at 15F. This is an important point to know. Every year I felt colder with my old sleeping bag, thus I was feeling a strong need of lower temperature rating sleeping bag. In 2020 fall, after some research, I bought one from Mountain Hardwear, Bishop Pass 0 (women's). Rating is 0F (-18C). I bought it at REI, my favorite outdoor store, with annual 20% off coupon. It was $231.99. I think this is a good deal. It's 992 g (2 lbs. 3 oz). There are regular size and long size: of course mine is regular size. I wish short size was available for people us short: then it is lighter. With this I went camping and backpacking in Utah, Arizona, and Texas in December 2020. Well what did I think? It was so warm!!!
After years of worn-out sleeping bag, this 0F rated sleeping bag blew my mind. Just warm! Recommended for cold-sensitive people.
foot warmer
great item is down foot warmers. It is well known that heat from body
escapes from head and feet. These are from Mont-bell. $69. Down is 650
fill power. This is a game changer! Before I had these, I usually kept
cold for a while in the sleeping bag, because my feet were cold. With
these foot warmers, it is a minute to get warm. When feet are warm, all
bodies get warm! It's only 142 g (5.0 oz)! These come with a sack and
get really compact. I love Montbell so much! They have many cool items that any other brands sell. I like my foot warmers' color, too. The color code by Montbell is persimmon. I like the fruits persimmon (bonus story: I was surprised that a lot of Americans don't like persimmon. Persimmon is very popular fruit in Japan, and to me it is delicious).
Another warm item from Mont-bell I love is light down pants. People tend to focus on layers at top, but layers at bottom makes a big change as well. Downpants from Montbell (women, S size) is only 186 g (6.6 oz) and 800 fill power down! I assure you these down pants are very warm. Pants cam be very compacts in a sack: no consuming the space in a backpack.
2 sleeping pads
Of course sleeping pad is essential, because the cold comes from ground. Think about your half of body surface is on the ground when you are sleeping outside. It is important how much your body is separated from ground in terms of cold transmission. For that purpose, sleeping pad plays a role. I have a non-inflatable sleeping pad. The yellow one many people have (see left picture). This is good for backpacking, because it is super light. Additionally, it is good have but not required is an extra sleeping pad. For sure I use additional sleeping pad for cold car camping, but I also recommend to bring for cold backpacking, although it adds more weight. I use Big Agnes's Two Track model. $35. Weight is 793 g(1 lb. 12 oz). Inflatable. It looks big in the picture, but without air and roll and put into a sack, it gets quite small. This makes you feel much warmer and comfy at night.
Without question, it is important to have base layers (top and bottom), and multiple layers at top as well, with warm hat :)
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