Ed R. Levin County Park Day Hiking
<Japanese version is after English 日本語は英語の後にあります>
Ed R. Levin County is a very pretty park located in Milpitas. Milpitas is a town in the San Francisco Bay Area. Milpitas is located at the end of the Bay, at the border between East Bay and South Bay.
Nice View |
When you climb at the top of the hill in Ed Levin Park, you can see the end of SF bay. It is interesting and nice. Hills are green in the spring. It is pretty.
I went hiking this park with Mr.N, Ms.M, and Mr.B. Three of them are Americans. One thing I like to do during the hike in addition to enjoy the nature is learning English idioms. Especially Mr.B, as know as a book worm, has a tremendous knowledge of idioms and trivia. During this hike, I learned peanut and animal related idioms. For peanut ones: "peanut gallery", "peanut to an elephant", "if you pay peanut, you get monkeys". For cats: "a cat has nine lives", "cat nap", "cat soup". For mice: "quiet as a mouse. For rats: like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
Ms.M is my former lab member and spent 5 years on the same project together. She taught me how to survive in the U.S. It is always nice to hike with favorite people. Mr.B is Ms.M's significant other and he has unbelievably large vocabulary its etymology, and trivia. It is always fun learning something from him, especially during hikes!
とある休日に、MrN、MrB、MsMとここへハイキングへ出かけた。MrMは元同僚で、MrBはMsMのパートナーだ。ハイクした3人は全員アメリカ人。MrBは本の虫そしてトリビア王だ。こういう時に私が好きなのはアメリカのイディオムを習うことだ。私は以前からMsMに英語を教わっていて、イディオムをよく習っていた。MrBはMsM 以上のイディオムを知っており、その隠された意味まで知っている。なのでイディオムや新しい語句をMrBから習うのは楽しい。
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