
Kayaking in Medfield

We went kayaking on Charles river in Medfield. Medfield is a southwest of Boston. It takes about 50 minutes of driving from Boston. 

Charles river is famous in Boston, but that same Charles river is in the Medfield, too. Much quieter and in the forests in Medfield. 

On lazy Saturday, I slept in, then went to BODYPUMP class at the gym. Then, we went kayaking. The weather forecast was rain and thunder, but it hadn't come yet. Accuweather said at least 3 hours free of raining, so we got outside. 

After BODYPUMP, I hadn't had food: so I ate on the water. Egg and vege sandwich. Tastier on the water.

Luckily we saw two muskrats swimming on the river. Also I saw an entrance of their home! There is grass on the entrance. It looks comfortable home. How cute. 

Then the app told us the thunderstorm was going to come in 1 hour, we headed back. We noticed that the kayak air pressure was lower than usual (our kayak is inflatable kayak). So same paddling strength made it slower than usual. 

After back home, Mr.N heard hissing noise from kayak and put a patch on the hole. Now it was fixed...however, now it is a concern to go further from the launching area. 

We are debating the future directions.

Options are:

1. Tell REI it was less than 1 year after purchase and see if there is product's problem.

2. Purchase normal plastic type kayak

3. Don't care and kayak with this inflatable kayak

To be determined....










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