
Kayaking on Sudbury River


Kayaking on Sudbury river was fun! I saw cute muskrats!!! Muskrats were the highlight of this kayaking!

On a chilly Saturday we went kayaking on Sudbury river near Concord. Of course whenever we go or pass Concord, we stop by Haute coffee. I got pour over coffee. Then headed for Sudbury river. 

On this day there was flood warning on Sudbury river. Indeed the river was flooded. The trees are in the water. Looked like that trees were in the middle of river, but obviously trees are supposed to be on the ground. How much water increased! Wow. Kayaking under river was even barely possible. 

Due to rain on past previous few days the current was also very fast. Paddling counter-current was tough. We usually go paddling against the current first, so that the way going back will be easier. So first half was hard. Besides....I usually paddle by myself with 2-person kayak to record on my Runkeeper app on counter current. This day's counter current was so hard! Mr.N offered me to paddle, but I refused. I think that I need to paddle by myself to record as my own activity. I like graphs and numbers for my activities, I always want to paddle by myself for 1 mile. It is also a good challenge to paddle alone. I love challenging. 

While we were slowly moving forward due to current, we spotted something swimming. It was a muskrat! It was my first time seeing a muskrat. The way it swam was very cute! I love mammals living in the water, including dolphins, whales, and manatees.

As the name indicates, muskrats are a kind of rat and considered rodents. The tail was not see when they are swimming, but when they are on the shore, I noticed that their tails are like ropes. 

A little after first spotting of muskrat, we saw another one running on the shore. This one was on the ground and running. Then it jumped into the water. Since there were bushes close to the shore, we couldn't go close to the muskrat.

Then we saw the last ones! Two!


Two muskrats were on the small island. I guess probably their home was flooded and the thing they were on was the roof of their home. Their home entrance is in the water and the room is above water. So their room was probably full of water. Actually they sometimes went into water and brought more branches. Probably they were working on fixing the home. Poor muskrats. Most of their homes were probably flooded and that's why we saw many muskrats on that day. 

Swimming muskrat

When we got close to the island, one muskrat went into water and started swimming. Swimming muskrats are so cute!

Not only muskrats, the scenery was good as below picture. 

Pretty clouds








そして折り返し地点の後に2匹のマスクラットを発見!小さい島に2匹でいる。かわいい。どうやら彼らの家が洪水になってその小島はおそらく屋根だと思われた。マスクラットの家の玄関は水の中で部屋は水の上(木で覆われている)。多分水量が増えて天井(屋根の)一番高い部分がちょこっとだけ今は水面上に出ているようだ。マスクラットたちは木の端を持って来て修理しているようだった (1枚目の写真)。




Albany Bulb Evening Hike

<Japanese version is after English 日本語は英語の後にあります。>

This is a really pretty place. 

It is in Albany. Albany might be famous for a city of New York state. In this case, Albany in California. Albany is a small city next to Berkley. 

There is a small section at the bay in Albany. The shape is like a bulb. I guess that is the reason why it is called Albany bulb (maybe not true). This is not in deep wilderness, but I like this kind of local park as much as middle of nowhere. 

There are trails along the ocean in Albany bulb area. If you want you can walk forever, because this area's trail along bay is all connected. There are many local walkers and dogs at Albany bulb.

I would like to walk here in the evening, because the sunset over Golden Gate Bridge was beautiful. On the day I took picture blow, the sun looks like burning over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was special moment. Sunset is amazing because every moment has a different scenery and every moment is pretty. 

This is the other side of Golden Gate Bridge seen from Marin Headlands (previously I wrote about Golden Gate Bridge hike. That one is looking at GGB from other side). I love both sides. 

On the internet, post cards, all kinds of pictures are more taken by Marin Headlands, but actually this side is beautiful equally. 

 If you have an opportunity, I recommend seeing Golden Gate Bridge from both sides.










Redwood National Park Camping Day2

Big Tree : you can see the small sign saying Big Tree


The next day we hiked to a "Big Tree". There is a really big tree in the park, and it was officially named "Big Tree". We hiked about 5 miles. Because it was off-season, we needed to walk 5 miles to see Big Tree, but in summer "normal" people need to walk only 0.1 mile to see this. 

Redwoods there were very tall. I knew that I am small but it reminded me again how small I am. Also redwoods trees were old. They can live to 2000 years. Being in the quiet, shady, and misty forest made me feel peaceful. Sometimes it rained but actually it made the forest more beautiful. I really love the redwood forest. It was totally a different world than daily life in the lab. Then we checked out elk, ate lunch (salmon and nori and rice), then hit the road.

On the way back Mr.N really wanted a cup of coffee (addiction), but we couldn’t search a shop because GPS didn’t work. Somehow Mr.N’s wilderness sense brought us to a drive through coffee shop. It was a great weekend. 



ビッグツリー。大きい。巨大だ。だからビッグツリーと名付けられているのだろうが。 最初の写真がビッグツリー。高いし半径も大きい。この日もレッドウッドの森の中を散策。やはり雰囲気が素晴らしい。2枚目の写真にあるように苔が芸術的な眺めを作り出しているのだ。見ていて全く飽きることがない。そして空気も美味しいのでレッドウッドのそばで休憩していると時間があっという間に過ぎる。



Redwood National Park Camping Day1


 Mr.N and I went to Redwood National Park one weekend. After this visit, I had visited all nine national parks in California!

We left the Bay Area at 5:30 a.m. We stopped at Schat's Cafe and had a Dutch breakfast. On the way we listened to podcasts (Car Talk, How to do everything), radio, and music. First we went to a campground to secure a spot. Because it was still off-season, it was not difficult to get one. We got a site near the creek and trees. It was very nice.

The fee was $35. Only cash was accepted as payment. I had a $20 bill. Mr.N had a $5 bill, 2 $1 bills. 7 more dollars were needed. There were no ATMs nearby. Mr.N remembered that he had quarters in his car. He had 24 quarters. 1 more! Mr.N had some dimes and cents. So we counted. We made it to $35. Only a few cents left. We put all the coins in the envelope but the envelope didn't go through the slot to pay. It was too fat because of the coins. We talked to a guy nearby and he suggested going to a visitor center, because there is a gift shop there. Luckily, the ranger at the visitor center exchanged coins to bills. Finally we were able to pay the fee.

Then we went to the visitor center. A ranger recommended several hikes. We picked the Tall Tree Grove for the first day. The ranger gave us a permit and the number to unlock the key to go to the trailhead.

Because the Kuchel visitor center was located along the beach, we checked the beach. It was very long. It reminded me of the Polehale beach in Kauai, Hawaii, which is also very long.

Redwood National Park has not only redwood forests, it also has beautiful beaches. I didn't know how nice this park is.

Tall Tree

Then, we went to Tall Tree Grove. The forest was really peaceful. Redwoods block sunlight and sounds. Therefore the forest was very quiet and peaceful. I enjoyed the redwoods, ferns, mossy environment. I also saw deer.

Then we did a short hike in the Lady Bird Johnson Grove, which was named after the First Lady of 36th President of United States. It was the nature trail of 1.5 mile. There was a brochure to describe the featured tree or plant. So I read all and asked Mr.N meaning of the words I didn't know. I learned about burls and the redwood forest system. Then we went back to the campsite and ate Indian food from Madras Cafe which Mr.S1 introduced us.





ビジターセンターに行ってレンジャーに申し出ると、両替をしてもらうことができた。 ほっ。良かった。これでキャンプできる。

そしてビジターセンターの裏にあるビーチをチェック (1枚目の写真)。わー。長い。レッドウッド国立公園だからレッドウッドの木ばかりあるのかと思っていたらビーチもたくさんあるのだ。このビーチ、非常に長い。でも誰もいない。ハワイのカウアイ島のポリハレビーチを思い起こさせるほど長いビーチだ。波の音だけが聞こえる静かなビーチ。うーん。すごくいい。

そしてビーチをチェックした後はトールツリーというレッドウッドを見に短いハイク。トールツリーという名前がつけられている通り、このレッドウッド、背が高い。写真に全く収まりきらない(2枚目の写真)。 レッドウッドはアメリカ西海岸に分布し、2000年も生きる木だ。長く生きるから半径も大きいし、100メートル以上の木も珍しくない。

レッドウッドの森 はその木の高さから日が遮断され心地よい暗さとなる。そしてレッドウッドはいい香りがする。だからレッドウッドの森を歩いているとすごくリラックスした気分になるのだ。日が遮られているため、シダなどの独特の植物が生え独特の森を作る。この雰囲気が美しい。

そして最後にLady Bird Johnson Groveの木をみる短いハイク。

Lady Bird Johnsonは36代アメリカ大統領のファーストレディ。彼女が他界した時に、後の大統領によってその業績をたたえて名付けられたということだ。ここも神々しいほどの雰囲気のあるレッドウッドの森だ。小さいループのトレイルがありネイチャートレイル(番号フダがところどころにあり、説明がパンフレットに載っている)となっているので、レッドウッドやその森について学ぶことができた。



Lonesome Lake

日本語は英語の後にあります(Japanese version is after English)

I forgot writing about this nice snow walk in Lonesome Lake area this winter. It was my favorite view in this winter season. 

Lonesome lake is in the Franconia Notch in White Mountain, New Hampshire.

This was the beginning of winter season, so the snow was fresh. Snow was real powder I had never seen in New Hampshire. It was as good as Hokkaido powdery snow. (FYI: Hokkaido in Japan has a lot of snow and famous for their great powdery snow). The powdery snow on the every leaf of trees. The view was lovely. 

The Lonesome lake is frozen and covered with snow as well. It was pretty. We walked around the lake. There is a hut along the lake and we had a break there. It would be nice to stay one night there. Some dogs were hiking in the snow. I always like happy doggies in the wilderness. In the snow they are extra excited! Very cute.

In New England, snow never stays powdery. Because it gets sometimes above freezing points, then gets -30C. So melted snow again gets frozen, but it is icy. Whole winter it repeats that cycle. It results in hard snow and ice. It is not very good and tough for hikers. However, it is what it is. 

These are some pictures from the hike.

Frozen Lonesome Lake
Along the lake











Alander Mt-Mt.Frissell-Mt.Race-Mr.Everett Loop

We went backpacking last weekend. 18 miles, +/-4000 feet in 2 days.

This time the loop covers four mountains in three states, Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut. 

Look at the sign!

First we started at headquarter of the Mt.Washington State Forest. The first mountain is of the first day was Alander Mountain. To go there, we started walking on Alander Mtn trail. At the begging of Alander Mtn trail, there is a sign. The sign says "Alcohol Prohibited". It reminded me of Mr.R. He loves whiskey at camping. He brings whiskey for backpacking trip and loves to drink with friends at night. This rule must make him sad.

It is a nice meadow from the beginning and immediately after walking, I found many spring flowers. They are very colorful and joyful. A lot of bees and bugs are enjoying nectar inside the flowers. It was especially nice to see white trillium. Last weekend I saw red trillium. It was good to see different color version. 

Compared to New Hampshire, spring is coming in Western Mass much earlier. So this hike there was no snow at all for the first time of the season for our hikes. It was very nice to hike without microspikes. Monorails by spring snow is kind of hard to walk and slow me down. 

Also, here, there are many more flowers. I felt spring is actually here finally.

Alander Mountain

Then we reached at the top of first mountain, Alander mountain. Actually...to be honest, I didn't expect a good view here in Western Mass. However, the view was really good!

In this area, the trees are light green. Mountains are covered with trees, but they looks like meadow. I like this light green rolling hills. It actually did remind me of California East Bay continuous green hills after rain. The color is kind of similar to them. Also there is a lake over the light green mountains. It looked like Ed Levin County park in Milpitas in California. It was a nice surprise.  We ate lunch with this view (smoked salmon sandwich...my favorite), then headed for the next peak. 

Next peak is Mt.Frissell. We went off trail accidentally for a little (Mr.N always takes me off trail), but back to the trail soon. Then the trail went to NY state. Then, soon the trail comes to Mass gain. THEN, trail goes in to Connecticut. The trail has the highest point of Connecticut with little view but a pile of rocks. Then again, the trail comes back to Mass, then goes to CT (repeat, repeat, repeat). This loop goes through three states! 

There is a good view point before Mr.Frissell, and we took a break here. The peak itself doesn't have much view, so we carried on hiking without stopping. 

Then we reached to the campsite, Sages Ravine campground. There are about ten platforms to pitch a tent. In summer, there is a caretaker and probably costs money, but not now. Free is the best. We enjoyed dinner (Japanese curry) this time. In Japan, the most popular camping food for kids' and family camping is curry and rice. Already it is delicious on normal days, and ten times tastier on camping. 

The second day in the tent around 5 a.m., the rain sound woke me up. 

I thought, "sigh, I don't want to hike 9 miles in rain!"

Luckily, the rain stopped. 

The morning portion of the park was full of water. I saw very nice falls. The most impressive one is in the picture. Very long  and falling through green moss covered rocks. It is great. The thing I can't convey here is sounds. Massive water sound from right and left feel good in walking.

These are from snow and also from recent rains. Indeed New England has a lot of rain this spring. For example, 22 days in April was rainy days in Boston, which was record rainy April. 

Once we took shoes and crossed the river due to amount of water. The water was sooooo cold and by the time I reached the other side of river, my feet were numb. It reminded me of the hike in Paria Canyon. 

Overall, this backpacking was nice and a good workout!

週末にバックパッキングへ出かけた。一泊2日で29km, +/- 1210 mの行程。今回はマサチューセッツ州、ニューヨーク州、コネチカット州の3州をまたぐループ。このループでは4つの山に登る。















There are a lot of kinds of maps, but my favorite is trail maps.  When I am looking at trails on a map, I can come up with hundreds of ideas for day hikes and backpacking routes.  

In the U.S., there are some big trail map brands. One is is National Geographic.  In California, Tom Harrison maps are quite popular. I LOVE Tom Harrison maps VERY VERY VERY MUCH. Both are well made, so that everyone is able to read a map without knowing special technique or jargon.  Both are waterproof, which is useful in the wilderness. 

     Before I went backpacking in John Muir Trail (JMT),  I bought a John Muir Trail Map-pack from Tom Harrison Maps.  The John Muir trail is a 210-mile trail from Yosemite National Park near Half Dome to Mt.Whitney, which I backpacked the whole trail in summer 2014.  It’s very long, so the map is printed on thirteen separate papers.  I had not been sure that it would be easy to read the continuous trail on separate sheets.  However, I found that the map looked very simple but contained everything I needed.  

On JMT, I looked at the map during break, during lunch to check where I was. Before going to bed, I previewed the next day's trail. Without the map-pack it was impossible to hike JMT. 

 Now I have so many Tom Harrison maps; Grand Canyon of Tuolumne, Ansel Adams Wilderness, Death Valley, etc...

     Then I got interested in who Tom Harrison was.  I had expected that he was a founder of the company but was not still alive. I looked it up on the internet and found that he was a living founder.  The company is in California and he lives in San Rafael.  He is actively leading some map reading classes, updating maps, and making maps of uncharted areas.  I am glad because now every day I can follow his work and private news on Facebook.  

     I was very impressed by his work, and now I like maps even more.  Maps not only provide directions, but also giving excitement and hope.   



アメリカでよく知られているトレイルマップといえばナショナルジオグラフィックのものだろう。カリフォルニアではもう一つとても有名なトレイルマップのブランドがある。トムハリソンのトレイルマップだ。私はトムハリソンの トレイルマップが、大・大・大好きなのだ!これらのブランドのトレイルマップはウォータープルーフなので山でも大活躍だ。

ジョンミュアトレイル(JMT)に2週間・350キロのバックパッキングに行く前に JMTのトレイルマップパックを買った。もちろんトムハリソンのもの(写真参照)。長い距離なので13枚に分かれている。この13枚に分かれているのが使いやすい。もし大きな1枚の地図だと毎回折りたたんで広げてを繰り返さなければならない。トレイルでは頻繁に地図をチェックするのでこれは非常に使いやすかった。そして夜テントのの中で次の日の予習をした。このJMTのマップは本当に思い出がつまっている。





Three Mountain Loop


In March New England is still covered with snow, especially in the mountains. March hikes are still considered winter hikes in here.

In mid-March Mr.N and I went hiking in Belknap mountain area. It was a 4-mile loop covering three summits: Piper mountain, Belknap mountain, and Gunstock mountain. 

On Saturday morning we left Boston around 8 a.m. The destination, Belknap mountain range is in Gilord, New Hampshire. We always stop by Starbucks in NH. I have already become a "Duchess" at the Starbucks on Yelp (you regularly check into the same place on Yelp, you will become a regular. Among regulars, the most frequent and most checked in person will be Duchess or Duke). 

We arrived at the trailhead around 10:30 a.m. Already more than 15 cars were parked along the road. Oh wow. That's popular? Luckily there was a spot. I didn't know that Belknap was a popular spot. Two people were at the trailhead and they were wearing cross-country skies. It seems that cross-country skiing was possible there. 

The first mountain we headed for was Piper Mountain. Actually Piper mountain is not on the loop, there is a small detour about 0.3 mile. We found the top of Piper mountain was like this. 

The weather forecast was cloudy, but I saw blue sky.  The blue sky with clouds were pretty here with snow. So I took a picture. Bonus was nobody was there. I always like quiet trails rather than busy trails. Considering the number of cars at the trailhead, it was surprising. There are many other small trails, maybe people spreaded out.

Well, it was not a mountain top I suspected. I thought that there would be open view. Oh well. Still good to see blue sky.  I hope that I would see view at Belknap mountain top. 

We continued on the trail. Soon after we left Piper mountain, first time we saw hikers on that day. A group of 4-5 people with a dog passed by. The doggy was very cute. He carried a big log. He found us and put the log on the ground and saw for seconds and carried the log again and continued walking. It looks like the log was treasure for him. So cute!

Then we headed for Belknap mountains. There is a fire tower on the top and we climbed it. It is common in New England having a fire tower at the top, and there are views only from fire tower. Belknap was not an exception. It was in the trees at the bottom of fire tower, but there was views from the fire tower (pictures below).

Saw snowing to mountain in the distance
Frozen Lake

I was able to see the lines of clouds and mountain range in the distance in Vermont, and frozen lakes. It was great view, but it was sooooooooo windy at the tower. My hut was almost blew away. So I started walking to the next mountain. 

Gunstock mountain is different from other two. The other side of the Gunstock mountain is down skiing area. So when I reached the top, I saw many people who came up to the top with lift. There were many kids with nice ski wears, and got hot chocolate at the cabin.

I thought, "Wow. They are so spoiled." 

Good thing was there was a cabin  and we could sit inside and had lunch we brought. Egg sandwiches and apples. Spoiled kids were getting hot chocolates and chocolate bars. The view from the balcony of the cabin was nice, however, there was a lift and it was not possible to take a picture of the view without including the lift. I don't like taking wilderness pictures with artificial stuff. So I started to go down. 

At the trailhead, only 5 cars were still parked. While we were taking of gators and stuff, one car came and parked. A dog got off from the car. The doggy was super excited. She came to me and wagged tail. I petted her. Soooooo cute. It would be nice to hike with doggies. 

It was short and nice hike. 



まずはパイパー山を目指してハイク開始。実はパイパー山はループから少し外れているので寄り道すればパイパー山の頂上へ行ける。寄り道分は約0、5キロなので大したことはない。しかし頂上には特にひらけた景色などはなかった(汗 写真の1枚目が頂上だ。うーむ。まあ青空と綺麗な雪の森林が見れたからいっか。







Maroon Bells 4 Pass Loop Backpacking Day4


On the last day we hiked up to Buckskin Pass in the early morning. It was crispy morning. It was chilly and windy, but it was actually pleasant to climb in a quiet air. At the top, we saw two trail hikers ran up from the trailhead we were heading. Wow. They were hardcores. 

After the trailhead, everyone needs to take a shuttle to the parking lot. The driver was very friendly and had a nice time. After finishing backpacking we had lunch in Aspen. Aspen is a fancy city, because it is a ski resort in winter. So there are many good restaurants. We had bison burger. It was the best bison burger I had ever had. Even Mr.N said it was the best bison meat. Mr.N is from Montana, so he had eaten bison meat many times before. 

These are pictures from magnificent views from this trip. I hope I have convinced you to try this loop. 








Maroon Bells 4 Pass Loop Backpacking Day3


On day3, we climbed up to the Trail Rider Pass. Third pass of four pass loop. 

Again, the view from pass was amazing. The unbelievable fact about this 4 pass loop is that gorgeous scenery continues. Because it is always nice view, every moment is so great. No wonder why this loop is really famous. Despite this scenic trails, it never gets crowded like John Muir Trail, nor need hectic permit lottery process. It is really recommended. 

Hikers nowadays tend to try to go to only popular places like JMT, of course, those are beautiful, but there are many great places without needing of permits or money. 

Trail Rider Pass

Then we reached the Snowmass Lake.  Sigh. It is very beautiful. We ate snacks and had a nap, because there is plenty of time.

Snowmass Lake

After setting up a tent and having dinner on the meadow, we witnessed many deer, at least ten. They have good looking antlers. It looks like they were also having dinner. They were reflecting orange evening sunlight. It was, peaceful and pretty evening, just Mr.N, me, and deer. 



3日目はトレイルライダーパスへと登った。 4パスループ、4つのパスのうちの3つ目だ。この日も快晴、適温。


それに比べ、この4パスループ、そのようなパーミットは必要ない。なので 計画も簡単だ。それでもトレイルが混むことはない。景色は最高、パーミットなし。なぜ皆JMTばかりに行こうとするのか謎だが、どちらもハイクしてみてどちらも甲乙つけがたく素晴らしいと思うのだ。もしどこかでパックパックしてみたいというのなら私は間違いなく4パスループの検討を勧める。





Kinsman Mountain Backpacking

We went backpacking in Kinsman mountain in the White Mountain National Forest, New England. This is the second backpacking of 2019.

There are many spring stuff coming, however, still there is a lot of snow above 3000 feet high. It is a good mixture of the spring and winter, and nice to see the changing of seasons.


First, we started at Mount Kinsman trailhead. There were only three cars parked. 

As you can see in the picture, there is no snow at all! It has been a while to walk on soil without seeing snow. 

Glacier Lily



There are several small streams crossing the trail.  Last weekend, I saw Glacier lily preparing to come out. Now this weekend, flowers are there. Not only Glacier lilies, but also trillium are there, too.

Small Falls





As hiking, there are some more stream crossing. Because snow is melting a lot in this season, there is a lot of water. Spending time in drought in California, I feel this amount of water everywhere is stunning. When I was in California, I hiked everywhere, and I would see dry creeks ALL THE TIME. 

This tremendous amount of water is the key for the New England's forests. 




After 1.9 miles, there is a junction. One is to our destination, Mount Kinsman, and the other is to a view point, Bald Peak. Because it was only 0.2 mile detour, we checked it out. 

Bald Peak


After 0.2 mile, suddenly mountain range showed up. It is possible to see Vermont mountain as well. It is a good view. 

On the way back, there were people going only up to Bald peak. It would be a nice short hike for local people. For only going to Bald Peak, there is no need to bring microspikes. The local groups had dogs. Dogs are very cute. 2 dogs growled at Mr.N.  (1 dog from first group, and the other from female group).

 Soon after this junction, uphill is steeper, and snow showed up. There is a monorail all the way and microspikes are essential. 

Along monorail is postholy, so it was tough to stay on the monorail.  Before heading to Kinsman peaks, we first went to Kinsman pond tentsite and set up the tent. Then with only light amount of stuff we climbed the peaks. Under the condition of monorail, it was so much easier with light backpack.

North Kinsman

2 more miles of uphill, then first pek is North Kinsman was there! The view is very good. The last few weekends, we hiked and found us in the clouds without view, so it was a great pleasure. It was very nice to see the mountains to the edge of clouds. 

rock chair

Then 0.8 mile more walk, south Kinsman appeared. The view is mostly similar to the North peak, but there was a chair made from rocks. It reminded me of Boulder Peak in Glacier National Park.

After we checked the two Kinsman mountains, we went back to the tentsite and had pasta, tea, salmon crackers, and chocolate. The air at night was a little cold, but with multiple layers and winter sleeping pad, I was able to survive. 

The really good thing was that the place we camped was pretty forest covered with moss. 

Tree with moss

A long time ago, one hiker said to me, "Wow. This tree is covered with pretty moss. This is amazing." and he stopped for a long time. At that time I thought, "What are you doing? Come on. I don't care about the moss. Let's go to the summit! "

Now after decades of hiking, I started understanding the beauty of moss. This was a little good discovery of myself. I thought that I reached to the point where I see the deep beauty of trees covered with moss. Moss forest is pretty partly because it represents the piece of long time. 










そして 4キロほど行ったところでジャンクション。320メートルの寄り道でボールドピークに行けるということでちょっと寄り道。そこのジャンクションの写真が6枚目の写真で7枚目の写真がボールドピークからの眺め。なかなか良い。犬を連れてハイキングしている人がいて(別々の2グループ)、犬たちが可愛かった。なぜかMrNは両方の犬から唸られた(笑









Sakura in Boston

I love sakura. Sakura is a Japanese word for cherry blossoms. For Japanese, sakura is a national flower and it is a part life.

Today's post is not very "wilderness", but still about beauty of nature.

Sakura. It blossoms between end of March and mid-April in Japan. It is a symbol of spring. Living in a country with clear four seasons, sakura reminds us of coming of spring. Coming of spring is joyful and hopeful for people. The sakura color of pink makes people feel crisp deep inside.

Sakura is not only a symbol of spring. Sakura is a symbol of graduation and entrance to school. Academic year ends at the end of March and starts in the beginning of April in Japan. So saying goodbye to friends and teacher, then meeting new people are always with sakura. Some life events, such as becoming professional worker from students, breaking up with girl/boyfriend at graduation, or meeting future siginificant other come within the view of sakura. Sakura reminds Japanese bitter sweet memories. This is why sakura is very special to Japanese. 

Sakura is everywhere in Japan. The biggest culture event related to sakura is ohanami. Ohanami is a picnic under sakura trees. Usually with friends, coworkers, or family put picnic sheet under sakura trees and eat and drink. Some people focus on eating and drinking (especially drinking), rather than looking at sakura (well, you know).  

A lot of companies do ohanami at night after work. In these cases, the youngest person in the company has to go to sakura spot and reserve good ohanami place under sakura before other senior members go there. Many cases, that reservation takes place from noon or even from morning for the night. That's reservation is by putting sheet on the ground. In Japan, nobody removes it, if sheet is there. That is the culture as well. 

Sakura in the mountain is also very beautiful. There are many more sakura strains in mountains. No crazy crowd for ohanami in the mountain, and it is absolutely specific in Japan to do sakura hiking. It is hard to go to the mountain in a perfect timing of blossom, but because of that preciousness, the beauty is even more appreciated. 

I am glad to know that sakura is also famous in the U.S. Probably sakura gift from Japan to the U.S. in the Washington D.C. is the most famous. I have never seen them in person, but someday I would like to see them. 

Sakura in Boston

This spring, I was surprised how many sakura is here in Boston. One of the prettiest I saw in Boston was a line of sakura trees along Charles river. Charles river is the iconic thing in Boston. Seeing sakura over Charles river was really appreciating walk for me.


Maroon Bells 4 Pass Loop Backpacking Day2


This day we passed two passes. The first one was West Maroon Pass. The amazing aspect of this loop is it is always great view, not only at the top of the pass. Besides in September, there are many wild flowers. I hadn't expected there would have been such many flowers. In the picture below, so many cute yellow flowers are on the slope. Then there is a lake and mountains. Such a gorgeous view. 


Next pass was Frigid Air pass. The last part of the climb was a butt-kicker. It was so steep. At the top, the view was amazing, but as the name of the pass indicates, it was frigid. Frigid air was there. I wore all the layers on the top, but still cold. Mr.N wanted to take a nap there, but I refused. I needed to walk to warm body up.

Mr.N and I discussed the future possibility of doing CDT, because I was amazed by Colorado hike. There are many great places to hike even only in Colorado. 

In the evening, we set up a camp and Mr.N went to restroom (in the wilderness). Then deer came to greet me.

The deer was a kid and with  adult deer. The small deer was very curious and looking at me for a while. Looked like she wanted to play with me. It was attempting, but I limited myself, because it is wildlife. 








Mount Eisenhower Backpacking


This is the first backpacking of 2019. 

We went backpacking in Mount Eisenhower. The route was via Crawford path, then Mizpah cutoff to tentsite, then out and back to Eisenhower summit, stay a night at tentsite, then back to the trailhead. Total 9 miles, 3300 feet elevation change.

Gibbs Falls

It was a very cloudy and wet weekend, so it was not an ideal condition, however, it was a good workout, and water amount and falls was impressive.

The most memorable view of this backpacking was Gibbs Falls. It is a half mile from trailhead. Until here, there is almost no snow and no need of microspikes.

To go to Gibbs Falls, there is 2 minute detour, but it is worth checking out. 

After here, gradually snow increased during next 0.5 mile. After that microspikes are necessary. There is a clear monorail until the tentsite. However, I did posthole due to yield the monorail to hikers coming down. Even if miss a monorail a little bit, you will posthole. 

Inside the hut
Campsite sign
Our tent

 Then we reached the Mizpah hut and tentsite. Although already the hut was open on the May 4th (one of the hikers who stayed there said it was the first weekend of hut open this year), we stayed in a tent. We are the tent people. Although we didn't stay overnight there, it was okay to hang out in a dining area. So we had lunch there. It was nice to sit on a dry area: otherwise snow would be the seat.

Tentsite is 0.1 mile from the hut. Once a caretaker comes in summer, it costs $10, but now in winter, it is free. In my opinion, $10 is a ripoff. It should be always free! There are platforms to set up a tent, but all of them were buried in the snow even in May. Because nobody goes to tentsite in winter, there are great chances to posthole. Actually Mr.N postholed until the level of chest!

We set up  a tent, and carried only necessary items and went up to Eisenhower. 

The trail from here was mostly clear, but some portions were faint. So sometimes we needed to take out GPS and searched the trail. During the searching we postholed A LOT. There was not clear monorail always.

Top of Mount Eisenhower

We took 2.5 hours to reach the summit, even though it was just 2 miles. Then the top was in the clouds.

Surprisingly, there were some hikers on the way to Eisenhower in a cloudy day. 

When we came back to the tentsite, cloud was a little bit clearing up. So I took some pictures. 

A little blue sky came out

At the hut probably 3 groups were staying that day. 10 people already in May. I guess it will be very crowded in summer. 

Then we came back to the campsite and ate dinner and went to bed. With winter sleeping pad, it was not cold at night. Indeed it seemed it was above freezing point, because I found my water bottle water in liquid form in the morning. 

In the morning we had coffee and breakfast, then hiked out. This year April was so rainy in New England and it is still rainy in May. I heard the idiom, "April showers bring May flowers". Mr.N found some Glacier lilies' leaves on the ground on lower elevation.  I hope the idiom become true soon! 






