
Katahdin Backpacking


Katahdin, also called Baxter Peak, is a mountain located in Baxter State Park in Maine. This mountain is pretty and famous. It is famous, mostly because it is a northern terminus of 2200 mile of Appalachian Trail. So far, I don't have a plan to hike Appalachian Trail, so I thought that it might be a good idea to hike up to Katahdin. 

Maine state park is kind of harsh to non-Maine residents: the fee if much higher for non-Maine residents. Anyway, we did it. 

On the first day, we started at Chimney Pond trail. The destination was Chimney Pond. There are lean-to to stay overnight. It was interesting. I had never slept at such thing. The next day we planned to hike up to Katahdin, but check-out time is 10 a.m., and we didn't know if we would be back by 10. So Mr.N went to ranger station at the pond and  asked if it was okay to leave our backpacks past 10 at a lean-to. Mr.N was told to bring backpacks to the peak. What the hell?! It is soooooo ridiculous. It is super common to leave backpacks at a junction and check out peaks. I saw it everywhere. The most famous one is for JMT hikers to leave huge backpacks at trail crest and check out Mt.Whitney. He argued and got successful for ranger to say yes. 

Chimney Pond

On the first day hike at Chimney pond where it was pretty, one family was chatting. The kid was chatty and said to their mother, "You got married only once!" It made me laugh. It is very....very American. It is not unusual for Americans to get married several times. In contrast, in Japan, it is very rare to get married multiple times. I always find culture differences in the wilderness. It is interesting and funny. 

Going up in the early morning

The next day we started at 5 a.m. On the way up, we already saw one party coming down around 7 a.m. They went up there to see a sunrise. Wow. Hardcore!

From the top

Some portion was hard: it was scrambling, even though it is a normal trail on the map. In California, (nanny state), it doesn't happen like this. If it is steep, there are many switchbacks in CA, but there is not a single switchback in New England. After steep hiking up, we reached a top. It was a really good view. I felt charismatic environment at Katahdin. So many hikers must have been celebrating here at the top. I remembered the moment I completed my JMT at Mt.Whitney. AT must be much longer and tougher. 

At Katahdin, I was above the clouds. I saw a carpet of clouds. I wish I could walk on that. It was pretty. I think this is one of the best hikes in New England. 


アパラチアントレイルとは、アメリカ合衆国のジョージア州からメイン州まで 続く長距離トレイルだ。距離にして約2200マイル、3500キロ。アパラチアン山脈に沿って作られたトレイルだ。そのゴール地点がこのカターディン。私は今の所アパラチアントレイルを歩く予定はないので、カターディンに登ってみようかなと思い、キャンプに行った。



次の日のチェックアウトは朝10時と書いてある。朝早くにカターディンに登るつもりだが10時までに帰ってくるかはわからない。小さいデイパックだけで登り、寝袋などはリーンツーのそばに置いておいて、降りて来てからそれらと一緒にトレイルヘッドに戻る予定でいた。一応、公園のレンジャーに10時過ぎるかもしれないが寝袋などを入れたバックパックを置いておいても良いかMrNが聞きに行った。レンジャーは機嫌が悪いのか、全部山の頂上まで持って行けという。ハァ?どう考えてもおかしい。普通、バックパックの途中で脇の山に寄り道で登るときは小さいデイパックだけで登り、大きな荷物はトレイルジャンクションに残していくのが山の常識だ。メインでは違うのか、それともここのレンジャー(おそらくこのレンジャーだけ)が非常識なのか?MrNもうんざりした様子でさらに交渉し 、なんとかオーケーをもらったが、これはややおかしなレンジャーだなと思った。




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