Mr.N and I went to Redwood National Park one weekend. After this visit, I had visited all nine national parks in California!
We left the Bay Area at 5:30 a.m. We stopped at Schat's Cafe and had a Dutch breakfast. On the way we listened to podcasts (Car Talk, How to do everything), radio, and music. First we went to a campground to secure a spot. Because it was still off-season, it was not difficult to get one. We got a site near the creek and trees. It was very nice.
The fee was $35. Only cash was accepted as payment. I had a $20 bill. Mr.N had a $5 bill, 2 $1 bills. 7 more dollars were needed. There were no ATMs nearby. Mr.N remembered that he had quarters in his car. He had 24 quarters. 1 more! Mr.N had some dimes and cents. So we counted. We made it to $35. Only a few cents left. We put all the coins in the envelope but the envelope didn't go through the slot to pay. It was too fat because of the coins. We talked to a guy nearby and he suggested going to a visitor center, because there is a gift shop there. Luckily, the ranger at the visitor center exchanged coins to bills. Finally we were able to pay the fee.
Then we went to the visitor center. A ranger recommended several hikes. We picked the Tall Tree Grove for the first day. The ranger gave us a permit and the number to unlock the key to go to the trailhead.
Because the Kuchel visitor center was located along the beach, we checked the beach. It was very long. It reminded me of the Polehale beach in Kauai, Hawaii, which is also very long.
Redwood National Park has not only redwood forests, it also has beautiful beaches. I didn't know how nice this park is.

Tall Tree
Then, we went to Tall Tree Grove. The forest was really peaceful. Redwoods block sunlight and sounds. Therefore the forest was very quiet and peaceful. I enjoyed the redwoods, ferns, mossy environment. I also saw deer.
Then we did a short hike in the Lady Bird Johnson Grove, which was named after the First Lady of 36th President of United States. It was the nature trail of 1.5 mile. There was a brochure to describe the featured tree or plant. So I read all and asked Mr.N meaning of the words I didn't know. I learned about burls and the redwood forest system. Then we went back to the campsite and ate Indian food from Madras Cafe which Mr.S1 introduced us.
ビジターセンターに行ってレンジャーに申し出ると、両替をしてもらうことができた。 ほっ。良かった。これでキャンプできる。
そしてビジターセンターの裏にあるビーチをチェック (1枚目の写真)。わー。長い。レッドウッド国立公園だからレッドウッドの木ばかりあるのかと思っていたらビーチもたくさんあるのだ。このビーチ、非常に長い。でも誰もいない。ハワイのカウアイ島のポリハレビーチを思い起こさせるほど長いビーチだ。波の音だけが聞こえる静かなビーチ。うーん。すごくいい。
そしてビーチをチェックした後はトールツリーというレッドウッドを見に短いハイク。トールツリーという名前がつけられている通り、このレッドウッド、背が高い。写真に全く収まりきらない(2枚目の写真)。 レッドウッドはアメリカ西海岸に分布し、2000年も生きる木だ。長く生きるから半径も大きいし、100メートル以上の木も珍しくない。
レッドウッドの森 はその木の高さから日が遮断され心地よい暗さとなる。そしてレッドウッドはいい香りがする。だからレッドウッドの森を歩いているとすごくリラックスした気分になるのだ。日が遮られているため、シダなどの独特の植物が生え独特の森を作る。この雰囲気が美しい。
そして最後にLady Bird Johnson Groveの木をみる短いハイク。
Lady Bird Johnsonは36代アメリカ大統領のファーストレディ。彼女が他界した時に、後の大統領によってその業績をたたえて名付けられたということだ。ここも神々しいほどの雰囲気のあるレッドウッドの森だ。小さいループのトレイルがありネイチャートレイル(番号フダがところどころにあり、説明がパンフレットに載っている)となっているので、レッドウッドやその森について学ぶことができた。
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