Maroon Bells 4 Pass Loop Backpacking Day1
Backpacking in Colorado. It had been always on my bucket list.
First time I heard about Colorado is as a place where Rocky Mountains are. Even most Japanese have heard of Rocky mountains. I knew about Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). So first, I put RMNP into the plan. However, I knew that there are many more place to hike, because there are so many mountains there.
Several years ago, I visited Colorado to attend a conference. It was held in Keystone, a ski resort. Many scientific meetings are held in Keystone. There was some free time during the conference, and I snowshoed in the Colorado mountains. I was amazed by the beauty of scenery. Then after conference was over, I went to Boulder and walked in the snow local park. That was very beautiful, too.
The reason I was interested in Boulder was because of my favorite marathoner, Naoko Takahashi, who is a gold medalist on Sydney Olympic marathon. She trained in the mountain at 7000 foot high in Boulder. It is quite unusual for athlete to train at such high altitude. Of course they train at higher altitude to increase red blood cells and hemoglobin, but not at that high mountains, but only a little high place. Naoko Takahashi was different. She ran and ran and ran on a trail in Colorado mountains. Since I heard that, I had been interested in seeing mountains in Boulder. I was amazed by seeing mountains in the Boulder area and impressed by the fact training there.
Since then backpacking in Colorado had been on my bucket list. I wanted to explore more the Colorado mountains.
However, I didn't have a specific area I wanted to go. I quickly looked up on the internet and the 4 pass loop in the Maroon Bells came up. I immediately booked an airplane ticket.
Result? It was spectacular.
Maroon Lake |
On the first day, we started at Maroon Lake. There is no parking at the lake. You need to park several miles away, then need to take a bus.
Maroon Lake is already stunning. If you are not a backpacker, just walking around scenic loop along the lake is very good.
After a little walk along the lake, the trail goes up into mountains. On the rocky part, I saw pikas. Pika is a cute animal. Pikachu is named after a pika. The pika in the picture below, he might be monitoring the surrounding area.
Pika |
This day we didn't hike to the pass. The day2 has two passes. On the first day, we hiked to the head of West Maroon Creek. On the way the view was beautiful. Mountains, meadows, rocks, snow patches, animals, sun, blue sky......I had everything I can ask for. How delightful the hike was. It is always happy being on a trail.
最初にコロラドという場所を聞いたのは日本にいた頃だろう。 確か、ロッキーマウンテンがある場所として知ったと思う。ロッキーマウンテン国立公園がコロラドにあるのは知っていたので、コロラドバックパッキングの旅を計画した時、ロッキーマウンテン国立公園はすぐにスケジュールに入れた。しかし他にも数え切れないほどの山がコロラドにあるということも知っていた。
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