Tour du Mont Blanc Day3
Trail Day3 (30 km, +1460 meters, -1500 meters) (18.6 miles, +4790 feet, -4921 feet)

Originally we planned 10 days to complete TMB, however, we had to do in 9
days, because British Airways gave us the next day flight. This day we
decided to do two day itinerary in one day. So we got up at 3:30 a.m.
and started hiking at 5 a.m. 3:30 am CET is 9:30 p.m. in Eastern US
time. Circadian rhythm was just a mess during this trip. Until 9 a.m. no
hikers were out there. It was very quiet and nice. I like to start
hiking a little before sunrise and see the mountains getting light and
scenery changing minute by minute. It is very beautiful. By 9 a.m., we
reached the pass (Col de la Seigne). This is the French and Italy
border. I saw a stone cube on the top, one side said “I” and the other
side “F”. The view from the top was so pretty. Definitely it is one of
the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen, and of course one of my

Majestic. This is the word I can think of. It is hard to describe those
mountains. Looking at big mountains, I felt like the beauty was
absorbing me, because I am small in front of the mother nature. From the pass, we descended the valley. This valley was beautiful.
Although the plan was to go a lot further, I couldn’t help stopping
sometimes and admiring the marvelous view. I wanted to hike this valley

Soon after the pass, there was a hut called Rifugio Elisabetta. It was a
small detour of uphill, so we discussed if we should go. Since the hut
stands right in front of the giant glacier (Glacier de la Lee Blanche),
we decided to go there to check the view out. The glacier was amazing.
European Alps offers so many glaciers. It is very exciting.

The Rifugio Elisabetta has an excellent position to see the glacier as
the picture in left indicates. Mr.N got cappuccino and I got hot
chocolate. Everybody knows Italian cappuccino is the best. Now taking
this opportunity, I say that Italian hot chocolate is the best, too. As
you can see how thick the Italian hot chocolate is. It is very dense.
Last spring in Aosta valley in Italy, I fell in love with Italian hot
chocolate and I was excited about getting Italian hot chocolate again. At the next table there were two Norwegian guys and they planed to do
TMB in six and a half days. After TMB they planned to do one day
downhill biking before going back to Norway. They had a very intense
trip. It was nice to chat with random friendly TMB hikers.
On the way to the bottom of the valley we saw many day hikers, because there is a trailhead at the end of valley. The day hikerswere mostly Italians. One group had several adults and 10-15 kids, probably teachers and boy scouts. They were asking backpackers their nationalities.
One of teachers asked Mr.N, “Where are you from?”
Mr.N said, “United States.”
He answered, “Okay.”
It sounded no interest.
Then he asked me next, “Where are you from?”
I said, “Japan.”
He said to the kids, “Giappone!!”
Then kids started taking pictures of me. The teacher told the students to get my permission to take pictures. It looked like their project was how many nationalities they could get on the trail. Italian hikers are friendly and funny.

Now in Italy, the sign became all Italian of course. An example is shown
in the left picture. This is the sign for the campground we stayed.
Mont Blanc in French is now Monte Bianco. I was so jealous that all
latin related languages have similarities. For example, mountain, mont,
monte are kind of similar. Instead, mountain is やま(pronounced as yama)
in my language. It was much harder for us Japanese to learn English.
As the sign indicates, this campgound had mini market and small shower.
At the mini market, Mr.N got cheese again. Mr.N loves cheese. I got
tomato, because I felt that my body needed vegetables.
To be continued...
3日目 (30 km, +1460 meters, -1500 meters)
9時には一つ目のパス、Col de la Seigneについた。この頂上はイタリアとフランスのボーダーだ。小さな石がありイタリア側はI、フランス側はFと書いてある。国境が山の頂上かー。日本ではありえないからなんか不思議。
このパスから少し下ったところに山小屋Rifugio Elisabettaがある。氷河が見える絶好の場所にある。イタリアに入ったことだし、ということでイタリアンホットチョコレートを飲んだ(写真)。私はこの超濃厚なイタリアンホットチョコレートが大好きだ。去年イタリアの山小屋で初めてこれに出会い恋してしまったのだ。この絶景とホットチョコレート。最高すぎ。ここで隣のテーブルに座っていた男性2人組はノルウエーからTMBをハイクしに来ていて6日間!の予定でハイクをしていた。そしてその後にマウンテンバイクをしてノルウェーに帰る予定だそうだ。わー。すごい。こういう雑談、好きだ。
これまではフランスだったのでMont Blancだったがイタリアに入ったら Monte Biancoになった。とはいえ、ヨーロッパの言語は似てていいよなーと思った。これだけ似てて二ヶ国語喋れると言えるのに、英語と日本語では到底違うやないか!それでも二ヶ国語喋れるという同じスキルなのだ。英語と日本語なら2.5ヶ国語話せるといってもいいのでは?などと考えながらキャンプ場へと向かったのだった。キャンプ場には小さなマーケットがあった。MrNはチーズをゲット、私はトマトをゲット。体が野菜を欲しがっていたのだ。そして簡易シャワーを浴びて寝袋へと潜り込んだのだった。
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