
Tour du Mont Blanc Day8

Trail Day8 (12 km, +1069m, -990m)(7.5 miles,+3507ft, -3248ft)

日本語は英語の後にあります(Japanese version is after English)

First pass on the trail day8 was Col de Balme, which is a border between Switzerland and France. Human body is amazing and it seems one week is enough to get used to a new environment. I felt easier than before on the TMB to climb 3000 feet. Probably a lighter pack helped it as well. I remember that my body got stronger after one week of hike on JMT as well. 

Near the Col were green hills with a lot of colorful flowers. It was pretty. It was like I was in the Sound of Music. I also saw many marmots.

One French hiker on the trail said, “Welcome back to France!” It was funny that he seemed happy to back to his country.

There is a lift going to the pass from nearby town and everybody can come to the top by just 150 meters (0.1 mile) walking from the lift station. I saw one old Japanese couple probably in their 70’s. The guy needed a cane to walk and had to stop every few minutes to continue walking. It is impressive they came to see the view all the way there with having to walk with a cane. In that sense, I think that building artificial equipments in the wilderness to make everyone have an opportunity to see great mountains is a good thing. Of course too much human invasion into wilderness disturbs the beauty of nature, though. 

I took a 30-munite nap at Day8’s highest point, Aiguillette des Posettes. It was so nice to lay down looking at amazing glaciers. It was truly a luxurious (and free) nap. Day hikers can come this mountain and some of them had dogs. One dog came to me and I pet him. At TMB, I pet many cats and dogs. It was fun.

This day we camped at the Camping Pierre Semard. It is just a yard of a hut. Because we were a little tired of camping food, we got panini from bar and ate at outdoor table. I got chicken panini, Mr.N got ham panini. It was good, but this brought me a trouble.

To be continued...


この日最初の峠はコルデバルム。フランス語でコルが日本語だと峠、英語だとpass. この峠がスイスとフランスの境界線になる。人間の体の順応の仕組みというのは本当にすごいもので、高地順応も1週間経つと完璧になる。まあ、背負っているバックパックの中身も毎日軽くなっているので日々簡単になっていくように感じているだけかもしれない(荷物が軽くなっていくのは食料がだんだん減っていくから)。ジョンミュアトレールを歩いた時も1週間経った時点で体が完全に順応したことが記憶に鮮明に残っている。なぜなら、2週目は常に空腹だったからだ。私は高地に急に行くとやや食欲が落ちるのだが、2週目は体が順応し1週目に少食だった分までお腹が空いて空いてたまらなかった(笑



この日の一番高地のポイントはAiguillette des Posettes(日本語で書けない、どう読むのかもわからない)。ここで巨大な氷河を眺めそして昼寝。なんて贅沢なのだろう。そして無料。



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