Japanese Version is below English(日本語版は英語の下にあります)
2017 July, Mr.N and I went backpacking in Yosemite. It was a great 8-day backpacking trip.
It was around Hetch Hetchy in the Yosemite National Park. As you can see below, Hetch Hetchy is a reservoir that supplies water to San Francisco Bay Area. Before the dam was constructed, this was Hetch Hetch Valley with Tuolumne River. After much argument, the dam was created and it was the current status.

Hetch Hetchy
On Saturday we went to Nijiya market, a Japanese grocery store, to buy food for Saturday dinner and food for backpacking. Because Saturday night was car camping, we were able to eat normal food, not freeze dry food. We bought sushi, korokke, nimono for dinner that day and ramen, instant rice, bars etc for backpacking.
We arrived at Hetch Hetchy backpackers campground around 5. This backpacker campground was much better than Valley one. It was more private with better view. After having feast with sushi, we went to bed.
The next day, we started at Hetch Hetchy trailhead. It was hot around 35C degrees. Also a lot of sections were exposed. On the way one guy asked us where we were going and our plan. After small chat, he said, “Have fun kids.” I was confused by the word kids. A little after this confusion, we saw a mother bear with two cubs. They were cute and nice to see bears. The mother was focused on a log. Mr.N said that she was getting ants in the log.
The first day’s destination was Lake Vernon. The trailhead was at 4000 feet. We had to climb to 7000 feet then descend to 6500 feet. It was hard to ascend 3000 feet with food for 7 days. Furthermore, the amount of snow 2016/17 winter was huge, an additional river was formed from outlet in Lake Vernon. We had to cross the additional one and it was deep enough to make my butt wet. The main river had a footbridge.

Lake Vernon
I got uncomfortable by river crossing but I forgot all the work at the moment I saw the lake, because Lake Vernon was so beautiful (above picture). If you have good eyes, you notice that trees are in the lake. Usually this doesn't happen, but the previous winter's big snow, the tremendous amount of water is in the lake.
It was very blue then got orange as sun sets. Mr.N and I decided to have dinner at the lake. During dinner Mr.N went back to our campsite to get some stuff. During that, one Indian guy came to the lake near me. Then I looked down to sip tea. Then I saw the lake, I didn’t know what to do, because....
When I looked up I saw the Indian guy completely naked in front of me. He went inside the lake and made very loud noise with water.
I thought, “Oh..that’s different. Why didn’t Mr.N come back yet?”
I got uncomfortable being in front of him, so I went back to the campsite.
Mr.N was about to come back to the dinner place and asked me, “I saw an Indian guy naked in front of you and coming now to see what was happening between you two.” with laughing.
I laughed and said, “I didn’t know what to do! That’s why I came here.”
After the guy took bath in the lake, we chatted with him. He was doing 2 nights/3 day backpacking by himself and he was going to do JMT from end of July for 3 weeks. Because I had done JMT, we talked about it for a little. It is nice to talk with random hikers. Hikers are nice.
2017年7月にヨセミテ国立公園のヘッチヘッチー 渓谷周辺を7日間バックパックした。
ん?キッズ? 相当若く見られたらしい。アメリカではアジア人女性はやたら若く見られることがある。
その後そのインド系ハイカーと少しおしゃべりした。彼は2泊三日のバックパックでJohn Muir Trailへのトレーニングということだった。私は数年前に
John Muir Trailをバックパックしたのでそれについて話したりした。やはりその場で出会うバックパッカーととりとめない話をするのは面白い。
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