Japanese version is after English. 日本語は英語の後にあります。

Destination Picture: Roosevelt Lake
Mr.S1, Mr.S2, Mr.B3, Mr.N and I went backpacking in Yosemite. To acclimatize ourselves to climb over 10,000 feet, we left the Bay Area Friday evening to camp one night at 8,000 feet.
On Friday night, Mr.S2 and I went to the Dublin BART station to carpool with Mr.N and Mr.B3. On the way there, we talked about Mr.S2's new phone.
He said, "Guess what kind of phone this is."
I replied, "Can I take this out from the case?"
He answered, "Then the answer is there."
I said, "But I don't know anything about non-iPhone."
The answer is the One Plus 3. It is made by Chinese company and cheaper than a Galaxy 7. It has many cool features but it's simple. For example, drawing a circle is the command to open the camera app. That's easier than putting a passcode and clicking a camera icon. Also Mr.S2 had a cool thin magnet for the phone to stick to the board.
It took long because of bad traffic, but according to Google maps on the OnePlus3, Mr.S2 and I were about to arrive at the BART station. We saw some booths with security guards a little ahead of us. As we got closer, they looked more cops than guards. I didn't know that the station got a security check to enter. Last time I didn't see it.
We stopped in front of a cop.
Mr.S2 said, "Hi, we are here to carpool with my friends to go to Yosemite."
The cop stiffly said, "Then you are at the wrong place. This is the federal correctional institute."
Mr.S2 answered, "Oh we just followed google maps to go to the Dublin station."
The cop answered, "Turn left into the Dublin avenue and ......"
He gave us the directions but I don't remember because there were many turns.
Then the cop said, "Make the u-turn here."
The cop looked at me for more than a comfortable duration.
Anyways it was my first time to enter the vicinity of a prison.
After we left the prison, we parked in the residential area and figured out where we needed to go. On the way I googled the prison. It is a low-security prison for female inmates. It is one of the three female prisons in the U.S. It is designed for 250 inmates but there are more than 1,000 inmates. The inmates must have a low quality of life.
Mr.S2 and I suspected that Mr.N gave us the destination on purpose (and it is the female prison! Mr.S2's hypothesis was that he wanted me to be the 251st inmate). Because of this, we were late.
On the way we stopped by Chipotle. At Chipotle, we further googled the prison and checked the satellite map.
Follow up: When I clicked the link on the computer, the destination was correct. However, if I clicked on the phone, the destination was "Alley I" and it was the prison.
We arrived at a campground around 1 a.m. I had camped there 2 years ago. It brought back memories. I was on the 2nd day of a 2-week backpacking and met nice people on the campsite. We pitched a tent and we went to bed around 2 a.m. It was cold.
On Saturday morning, we got up at 7 a.m. to get to the wilderness center at 8 a.m. Mr.S1 joined at the parking. He left the Bay Area at 3:30 a.m.
The park ranger, at the wilderness center, was the same person we met last year. The moment I saw her bang cut straight, I thought, "Ohhhhhhhh no. Here she is! This time what is she warning us?"
I remembered how scary she was last year, but this time she was nicer. Thinking about it made me laugh, but I tried to keep a straight face.
Luckily, we were able to get 5 people's permits for the Roosevelt lake.
Mr.S1, Mr.S2, Mr.B3, Mr.Nと私でとある週末にヨセミテのルーズベルト湖にバックパッキングへ行った。
MrS2と私はサウスベイからイーストベイにあるダブリンまでカープール。そこで他の連中と合流するプランだ。MrS2は最近ケータイを新しくした。車中でMrS2がどの機種の携帯を買ったか当ててみろと言ってきた。 えー。iPhone以外何にも知らないからわからない!と言ったら、答えはワンプラス3ということだった。へー。そんなんあるんだ。エンジニアのMrS2にはビッグなニュースらしい。
すると警備員、というよりかは警察官のような人が、 それじゃあここは違うよ。と言って来た。そして、警察官が続けて、
MrS2はダブリンの駅に行こうとしていたのですが、、と言うと親切にじゃあここでUターンして左へ曲がって真っ直ぐ行ってと道筋を教えてくれた。 つまりUターンした時に実際に刑務所の敷地に入ったことになる。うわー。初めて刑務所内に体が入った!しかもアメリカの国立の刑務所。そしてダブリンの刑務所は女性(軽い罪の人々)のみが入る。
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