
Glacier National Park Backpacking/Camping Trip Day4

Pocket Lake near Boulder Peak

We packed up and went back to the Kintla Lake.
I was a little worried to climb up the gully with a heavy pack, because we took 3 hours to descend it. Although it was very scary because the rocks were wet, ascending was a little easier than descending and it took us 45 minutes. 

Because it didn't take 3 hours, we climbed up to Boulder Peak as a side trip. 

From Boulder Peak

We couldn't just leave the backpacks because bears or marmots could get food from the bags. We hung up our backpacks with ropes on a device. To hang them up, I needed to have ropes both sides of the device. Usually people tie a stone to a rope and throw it to the other side of a device. Because I had never done it before, I couldn't throw a stone correctly. I tried more than ten times. By the 5th time, all campers there were observing and cheering me on. Mr.N kindly offered to throw a stone for me, but I insisted that I would do it myself (Thank you Mr.N). Finally after ten minutes, I was able to throw a stone over the device. It was stupid, but I had fun.

The scenery from the top of Boulder Peak was incredible. It was a 360-degree view. Every direction had undulating mountains. The mountain range in the north was in British Columbia, Canada. It was my first time seeing Canada in person. In the East, the steep mountains with green turned into the rocky portion of the glacier. I was just amazed and thought, "I didn't know that this gorgeous place existed."

I felt like I got more experienced by doing this kind of hardcore stuff.

Being off trail was a great experience. It was really quiet and so remote. Nobody was there except for us. Wild floweres were very colorul and pretty. It was nice to see the flowers were opening by having sunlight in the morning. A lot of plants were there. I enjoyed the sounds by walking in the bushes and trees. I felt good by smelling the scent of dirt and small plants. I loved the sound by hiking on the rocks. Rocks in the Glacier were really colorful. Green, purple, and red. They prouduce noise like that of instrument. On the rock, in the basin, on the suddle, we talked and smiled. What a precious time.

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