I am a Japanese female who came to the U.S. for the research opportunity as a scientist. In my free time, I go hiking, backpacking, XC skiing. I love to be in the deep wilderness. I write my adventures from all over the world and Introduce the beauty of nature, from a viewpoint of Japanese. 日本出身の女性研究者かつハイカー。 休日はハイキング、バックパッキング、クロスカントリスキーなどで多忙。 日本人の視点から見た世界中の自然の美しさを、読者が旅をしているような感覚で読んで頂ければと思い、このブログを作成。
Mount Jackson Day Hikng
We climbed another peak, Mount Jackson, which is one of the mountains of the Presidential range in New Hampshire.
At the trailhead |
As you can see in the left picture at the trailhead, it is 2.6 miles to the summit of Mt. Jackson. Elevation change is about 2100 feet. It is not too long and not too much elevation gain. It is good for winter day hiking.
We hiked here at the end of April. However, it is still in the snow in White Mountains. Indeed it snowed a day before.
Near the trailhead |
First 1.4 miles until junction is not much covered with snow. Mostly there is monorail, which is hard snow portion made by hikers in the winter. So we hiked with microspikes. You can get an idea from the picture in the left. Around the monorail is muddy and snow is melting. Monorail portion is melted last. Actually it was better to walk on the monorail, otherwise it is muddy or you will posthole.
Stream with brown water |
The first 1.4 miles, it will cross stream several time. One point, the biggest one had brown water as left picture. It might be melted snow from a day before. It was icy on the rocks near the stream, so I crossed carefully.
Snow Forest |
Then after the junction at 1.4 mile point, the forest was getting more covered with fresh snow from previous day. It got much more quiet and I felt like I was in the deep snow forest. I love trees covered with fresh snow. It is beautiful.
When I was looking at pretty trees, suddenly a dog appeared ahead. The doggy ran to us and wagged tail and barked. Then the dog was called and ran ahead again. It was a hiker's dog ahead. I really like to see excited doggies on the trail.
Last part to the summit |
Then pleasantly trail is getting steep and finally get out of tree line. From here, it was very windy and cold. It was only around 0.3 mile to the top after passed tree line.
The last part is rocky and icy. It was a little tricky, but not bad. On this day, the top was in the clouds, so not really open view, but still nice feeling to stand on the top. This is my third peak in the Presidential range (Washington, Madison, and Jackson).
Near the summit |
In the summit area, I saw many ice hanging from branches. It was pretty.
On the trail we saw 3 parties in addition to us. It was always nice to see some happy hikers and dogs, but it also nice in winter not too many hikers, because I like to be in the wilderness peacefully.
Near the summit |
To be honest, I got disappointed when I saw clouds on the mountain tops in the area at the trailhead, but it turned out to be a nice hike.
4月末のとある日曜日にジャクソン山へ登った。 ジャクソン山はニューハンプシャー州にあるプレジデンシャル山脈にある山のうちの一つだ。プレジデンシャル山脈は歴代のアメリカの大統領の名前がそれぞれの山に付けられている。ジャクソンもアメリカの大統領だった人だ。
Florida Biscayne National Park Day3
On the final day in Biscayne National Park, I had an amazing experience. I saw manatees!
Manatees are sea mammals, sometimes they are called sea cows. They habitat in the warm sea around Florida and more south. They are vegans.
We asked the canoe renter where manatees are often seen, and canoed from near Visitor center to those frequently spotted places. The person said that manatees are often seen near cannal.
After canoeing around for half an hour, we saw 3 manatees swimming together! They were indeed near the cannal. Two adults and one small kid were swimming together. WOW. They are so cute! They swim very slowly, so it was possible to canoe around manatees for around 10 minutes. Manatees surface for breath, so it was visible from canoe that they were swimming. I didn't bring my camera for this canoeing, so there is no picture, but it is in my memory. So exciting.
After finishing canoeing, we had lunch while observing pelican catching the fish.
Then we headed for the airport. It was a wonderful trip.
Florida Biscayne National Park Day2
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Elliot Key |
On the second day of Biscayne National Park, we went to Elliott Key to camp overnight. We took an early morning boat and arrived there around 10 a.m. There were already many motor boats were docked at the bay. Normal people (not hikers obviously) have chairs and barbecuing or just sitting. It seemed like Elliot Key pier area is for normal people with motor boats.
For us campers pitch tents farther from those area. After we pitched a tent, we headed for hiking in the forest.
Florida is a tropical area. So there are many forests. That means it is a paradise for mosquitoes. As soon as we started walking one hundred of mosquitoes were flying around me. I am not exaggerating. So many mosquitoes were there. Even I had DEET all over the clothes. I didn't have any skin exposures. I had mosquito net on my head. The noise they made was annoying, so we decided to hike along the ocean where not many mosquitoes due to breeze.
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Vase Sponge |

It was very nice to walk along the ocean. I saw many fossils of coral and sea sponges. On the previous day I saw many kinds of coral in the ocean, and then saw many kinds of coral fossils. I felt the long-term nature cycle.
I also saw Florida specific plants that can get only water portion without sodium chloride from sea water. I thought it would be a great business if I can invent the way to do that easily for sea kayaking trip, long fishing trip, or canoe trips.
At night the motor boat people got crazy and partying with fireworks. Well, Elliot Key is not a good spot to camp peacefully, but it was an experience. Hiking was quite interesting here.
Florida Biscayne National Park Day1
Biscayne National Park is a relatively new National Park in south of Miami, Florida. It was established in 1980. So this park is "young" among American National Parks.
When we decided to go to Florida for Christmas, I wanted to go to both Everglades and Bicayne, because both look unique and interesting.
Biscayne has keys, which is made of coral reef.
Yes, Biscayne's feature is coral reef.
I had never heard of keys (except for meaning as door keys) or coral reef. It was very interesting to me.
On the first day at Biscayne, we joined Ranger talk and I learned about keys and coral reef in the area.
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Brain Coral Fossil |
Florida keys are very long: from north where Biscayne National Park is located to all the south to Key West. Keys are the exposed coral reef due to a drop of sea level.
The picture in the left is brain coral fossil. Wow.
I know that people like to go to Key West, because it is southernmost point in the Florida. However, I didn't know what the key meant. I was glad that I attended the ranger talk.
Then in the afternoon, we joined the snorkeling tour to see coral reef in the sea. It was a great timing after learning about coral reef. The tour is held regularly by Biscayne National Park Institute. This is a non-profit organization and offers boat tour/snorkel tour in Biscayne National Park. Because it is NPO, the price is not expensive. Also the guys are very informative.
The boat took us in the middle of nowhere of the keys and we jumped into the sea.
In the ocean, there are millions of kind of coral are there! So many colors are living there. Pink, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, brown, grey, black, purple...it is more colors than I can describe with words. Then, there are also colorful fish eating coral and resting in the coral.
I had never imagined that there would be such colorful world under the sea. I didn't have a water camera at this trip, so I don't have pictures to post. Even if I had possessed it, it would have been hard to capture the undersea coral world. The Florida coral world is amazing.
It is already great to see the Florida ocean, but it was really nice to go in the sea and see the massive coral.
Florida Canoe Backpacking in Everglades Day5
The last day of canoe trip in Everglades. This day we left the South Joe River Chickee around 5 a.m. Again it was dark, but quiet and peaceful. The guy on the chickee was awake, so we said goodbye and headed for Flamingo.
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Sunrise |
This day had more waves, but I could also contribute to paddling because of the rest day on day4. It was nice to see sunrise in the bay. I had never seen sunrise on the water. This is truly a wonderful experience.
The last part to Flamingo was canal. Along the canal, we saw alligator.
For my first canoe trip, I had fun and sore arm. Next canoe trip I will try more hardcore one.
We put the canoe to a car and drove back to the hostel to return it. The hostel was so nice and let us use outside shower. It was great to have a hot shower after a week of no shower and getting salty winds. We rented a canoe for 5 days and they charged for 4-day price.
Then next day we went off for Biscayne National Park.
Florida Canoe Backpacking in Everglades Day4
This day we started really early. It was 5 a.m. in the dark. We started canoeing. Well, only Mr.N was paddling, because my arm was too sore to paddle. It was very nice to see the whole world getting light little by little. Such early morning nobody was out there. Just us on very calm water. How peaceful.
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Sun is rising |
Mr.N was a little concern about only him paddling for a day. However, it was not a problem. It was really calm this day and around 11 a.m., we already arrived our destination, South Joe River Chickee. We were just chilled on the chickee. The view from South Joe River Chickee was amazing. It was quiet and peaceful. Sometimes dolphins swam from north to south. They jumped joyfully.
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From South Joe River Chickee |
In the afternoon, a kayaker came to the chickee. We shared the double chickee. He lives in Florida and a nurse. He has a nice person. We had extra water, so I gave him one gallon of water.
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sunset |
In the evening, we ate Japanese udon (instant cup noodles). I never eat cup noodles on normal days, but I do occasionally during camping. Anything is tasty at camping.
After seeing gorgeous sunset from campsite, we went to bed. The next day we would leave the chickee again early due to tide.
そして早めの夜ご飯。この日のディナーは赤いきつね (写真3枚目)。ジェットボイルでお湯を沸かし注いで3分。普段はカップラーメンなど食べないが、カーキャンプやカヤックキャンプの時は時々食べる。家でカップラーメンは食べたくないが、アウトドアだと美味しい!
Florida Canoe Backpacking in Everglades Day3
This day we left the ocean coast line and turned into the inner side. We canoed into Shark River, then to Oyster Bay. We were new to this area, so we didn't know the tide pattern. So apparently we were paddling during hardest time, meaning going against the tide. One point on the Shark river, I took a break from paddling, because my arms hurt from the previous two-day paddling. When I stopped paddling, Mr.N ordered, "Paddle it!" I said, "My arm hurt!" I literally paddled until my arm really hurt. After waiting a minute, I paddled again, but my arm even got hurt more, so I got to the point I couldn't paddle anymore by the time we arrived the day3's destination. It seemed that the next 2 days Mr.N would have to paddle by himself...
On the inner sides, of course there are no beaches to camp. Also Any small lands are too muddy to camp. Due to that, there are platforms to camp, which is called chickee. Chickees are shelters with roof, but without walls. They are used native people in Everglade area. Now chickees are used in Everglades National Park for campers. The photo below is a double chickee. Two parties can camp at this chickee. A porta-potty is shared with two parties.This is quite interesting and unusual experience.
chickee |
Dolphin |
On the way to the chickee on the ocean, in river, in the bay, we saw many Florida dolphins! It was very exciting. When they saw me, sometime them jumped and spun as if they were happy to see me.
At the double chickee, next party was two females. They were doing 10 day canoe trip on wilderness waterway in Everglades. They had done it before, and had canoed in Florida a lot and knew very well the area. Mr.N asked about the current and when was the good time to go the next morning. They kindly taught us about the current this area. Furthermore, they gave me a map with current. Very nice of them. It turned out very early morning is the easiest due to the tide. So we went to bed early.
カヌーキャンプ3日目。この日は海から内部の入江部分へと入る。シャークリバーを通りオイスターベイへ。我々はフロリダも初めてだし、このエリアに来たのも初めて。なので、潮の満ち引きのパターンを知らない。どうやら我々、潮の流れに逆らって一番辛い時に逆方向にカヌーを漕いでいたのだ。 はー。だからこんなに疲れたのかと後から気づいた。しばしの間漕ぐのをやめて休息しようとしたらMrNに漕ぎ続けるように言われたほどだ。
Florida Canoe Backpacking in Everglades Day2
On Day2 we canoed to another beach camping spot, Northwest Cape. It is nice to canoe on the ocean. Sometimes go into the side mangrove rich area and took a break. One section in the inner portion, we stopped there and had lunch on the canoe. Mangroves are iconic and fits with Florida weather. Nobody was there and it was very quite.
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Mangroove |
Usually during backpacking, tiredness comes to my shoulder and legs. This time it was very different. All arms! I have strong muscles on legs, but not much arms. People say canoeing use whole body muscles, but for me it was mostly arms. Maybe it was because my paddling form was not good, or maybe because I have weak arm muscles. However, day2 was not very long day, so we were able to reach the beach way before sunset. Again, nobody was on the beach, so the beach was private.
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Sunset and Canoe on the beach |
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Amazing Sunset |
Seeing sunset on private beach....how luxurious it is! It is priceless.
One down side of Florida camping is bugs. Even in December, there are mosquitoes and no-see-ums.
Grrrrrr. ALL mosquitoes and no-see-ums bit only me. Actually every night I got 20-30 bites and Mr.N got ZERO! NONE for him. Definitely there are people who are bitten a lot and some get none. Those resistant people have benefits when they are with susceptible people. Mr. N got bitten only when I had Deet and he didn't. Unfair. Well, even though the bites, it is absolutely no doubt worth going canoe backpacking.
カヌーキャンプ2日目。2日目はさらに北上し違うビーチ、ノースウエストケープでキャンプする予定。 カヌーで海を渡るのは楽しくエキサイティングなアクティビティだ。漕ぐのに疲れて来た時ちょうど入江があったのでそこに入りしばし漕ぐのをストップして休憩。フロリダにはマングローブがたくさん生えている(1枚目の写真)。誰もいない静かな空間でフロリダの空気、植物、海を感じた。
ただ、一つ耐え難かったのは、蚊 とヌカカ(糠蚊)。2種類も蚊が。。。ヌカかは本当に小さくて見えないくせに刺されると猛烈にかゆい!!1日目、2日目と合わせて50個くらい刺された。なのに。。それなのに!MrNは一つも刺されなかったのだ。ゼロ。この日の夜から私は常に強力な蚊除け薬のディートを全身に塗ることにした。
Florida Canoe Backpacking in Everglades Day1
This is my first canoe backpacking trip.
I went to Everglade National Park for Christmas vacation. I knew that a lot of East coast people go to Florida for winter vacation. So I looked up what there are in Florida. Then I found three National parks. Everglades is a good start to try. So I went there.
On the first day of trip, we flew to Fort Meyers. We arrived there in the evening, so just car camped that night at Big Cypress National Preserve.
The next day in the early morning, left the campground at 6:30 a.m. Then we rented a canoe at Everglade hostel. This hostel rent a canoe with reasonable price. Then we went to Flamingo Visitor Center at Everglade National Park. Luckily permits are available for each campsites/chickee.
Day1 of canoe backpacking trip, we started at Flamingo then started canoeing along the shore. Before this trip, I had canoed only once. That one was only 1 hour on the lake, not even canoe camping like this one. Only with 1 hour canoe experience, the second canoeing is 5-day canoeing. It was kind of aggressive.
I paddled at the front. A front person is not able to control the direction. In other words, a front person don't need to think about the direction: it is for me.
Compared to New England, Florida is obviously so warm. I was so happy being in the sun and staying warm. In addition to that, I am in the wilderness. That is more than everything I want.
The water is sometimes brown creamy, sometimes very blue. There are many mangroves. It is very different scenery from anywhere in the U.S. Not far from the trailhead Flamingo, we already saw alligator. Wow. Animals in tropical. It is very exciting doing canoe backpacking.
Day1 the paddling was not too hard, because of tide and winds. They helped a lot. This day we camped at East Cape. There are designated camping spots on the beach in Everglades. Of course literally there is no toilet or sign on the "designated" campsite beach, but still there are for National Park to track who are camping when.
It was amazing to see the big beach in a total quiescence. Nobody was there on the beach. The beach was private that day. We ate dinner while watching sun setting over the ocean. It was beautiful and peaceful.
Fall Color Hike in Squam Lake
Fall Colors in New England is very famous.
Indeed, fall colors are beautiful in New England. I went hiking in New Hampshire in October. I hike up the hill to see fall colors and Squam Lake.
Orange, red, and greens are mixed. New England has many many trees. They turn fall colors almost at the same time, so it is always stunning. This kind of fall colors can't be seen anywhere else. There are not this many trees except for New England. If you don't live in New England, it is hard to make a trip on the right time, because peak of fall colors is different every year. Autumn color on the hills is nice, but also colors with lake is nice.
I like Squam lake.
First time I went to Squam lake is two years ago. My former boss has a vacation cottage along Squam lake and he invited me. Such a cute house along the lake. The lake is blue and pretty. There, I swam and canoed. It was fun.
After I moved to New England, I had day hikes near Squam lake. There is a mountain range called Sandwich range around the lake. I also kayaked on the Squam Lake. Lake is huge, so I need years to kayak everywhere of the lake. There are kayakers and canoers on the lake, but not many motor boats. That makes the lake more peaceful.
One more secret information about the town of Sandwich: there is a hidden ice cream place called Sandwich creamery. I like to stop here after hiking in Sandwich range. No one at the creamery. You get ice cream, you put money on the box. The ice cream is sooooooooooo delicious. It is "HBF"= High Butter Fat. My favorite is ram raisin, coffee, black raspberry.
そしてその時、上司に秘密のアイスクリーム屋を教えてもらったのだ。サンドイッチクリーマリーというアイスクリーム屋。店、とはいうものの人はいない。アイスクリームを冷凍庫からとり、お金を箱に入れる無人の牧場にある小屋なのだ。そしてそこのアイスクリームが絶品。壮絶に美味しい。この近くにハイキングに来ると必ず寄る。ここのアイスクリームは”HBF” Hはハイ、Bはバター、Fはファット。高値バター+高脂肪の美味しいアイスクリーム。
Mount Washington Day Hiking
Mount Washington is the highest mountain in New England (6288 feet, 1917 meters). It is the Presidential range in New Hampshire. Presidential range has mountains named former American presidents' names.
Because this is the highest peak in the New England, there are so many ways to climb up. By foot, driving, and little train. Of course I hiked up. I hiked up via Lion Head trail. This is called a lion head because there is a big rock seems like a head of lion. The trail is rocky, which is typical in New England. It is 4 miles to the top. It was not as long as I had expected.
These are the pictures at the top and looking at the top. The view is very nice. Because there is a road to drive up, many "normal" people are at the summit. There is a building and you can buy pizza, ice cream etc even. This is...well, different.
As you can see in the left picture, train is also an option to come to the summit. It is expensive, but surprisingly, many people came to the summit by trail. I saw three trains came to the top during my stay at the top. It looks like a good business. You don't need state-of-the-art train like ones in Japan, but people pay anyway.
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Boott Spur Trail |
On the way back, I hiked down the Boott Spur trail. This is 1 mile longer than Lion Head trail. Due do that, there is almost nobody. Actually I liked it better. It was much more quiet and peaceful. I felt like it was longer than 5 miles, but sometimes New England mileage is wrong.
Many people have sticker on their cars saying "This car climbed Mt Washington". After seeing so many stickers on cars, I bought T-shirt that says, "
This car hiker climbed Mt Washington"
Holt Peak
Last weekend we went hiking to Holt Peak.
First, as usual, we went to Haute coffee in Concord, MA on the way. A cup of coffee in the morning of Saturday is a good start of weekend. This place has great pour over coffee.
Coffee comes with beaker and warmed mug. The beaker is enchanting for me as a scientist.
Then we headed for a trailhead.
The sign at Trailhead |
To go to holt peak, we walked through Wapack trail, as you can see the sign in the picture left. This trail goes to North Pack Monadnock, where we hiked last weekend (wrote a blog here at https://himebackpacker.blogspot.com/2019/03/north-pack-monadnock-mountain.html). This Wapack trail connects Mount Watatic in Massachusetts and North Pack Monadnock in New Hampshire. Wapack is named after Watatic-North Pack.
Holt peak where we hiked this weekend is in the middle of Wapack trail. Just 4.6 mile out and back short hike with 1100 feet elevation gain.
Last weekend, the area was covered with snow. The entire hike we had to use microspiks. Now jut 7 days later, snow has melted a lot. The first half of the way to Holt peak was almost all snow free as you can see picture below.
In this picture you can see many New England-ish things.
First is a trail sign. Trail marks are on the tree in New England. I had never seen this in California. You can see yellow triangles on the tree. This matches with the mark at trailhead sign. The picture above, next to the letters of wapack trail, there is a yellow triangles. In that way, on the trail, if you see yellow triangles you know it is a wapack trail.
Next is a fence made of rocks. In New England, I see this kind of rocky fences a lot. They are from a long time ago for protection from enemies or boundary from neighbors. There might be a farm here. Then these fences are abandoned.
Another NewEngland iconic thing is rocky trail. Last portion of the trail in the picture, which is a little uphill, is rocky. A lot of trails are very rocky in New England. Due to this, same 1 mile is harder in New England, compared to California.
Finally, trees. There are many, many, MANY trees in New England.
Wapack trail to Holt Peak |
icy portion |
The last 0.5 mile to Holt peak was icy (picture in the right). We put our microspikes. Maybe next weekend, no need to have microspikds. The end of winter is actually tougher than middle of winter, because snow is icy and slippery. If snow is soft and puffy, it is easier to walk.
Then I thought that the trail reached the highest elevation, because I saw downhill forward. I asked Mr.N if it was the peak. Mr.N has an app AllTrails. He looked up map with GPS and said that that area was a peak. Ummmmm. I didn't expect that the peak was in the forest. Oh well. This is another New England thing. I looked around and found a small trail going side. I went there and found a sign of Holt Peak. Yay :) It was like a treasure hunt. The good thing now is there is space to sit down. Until last week there was all snow and no place to sit down and eat or take a break. We sat and had sandwich and banana. From next weekend we can sit down and take a break anywhere on the trail. I am excited about that.
Holt Peak |
There was a car at the trailhead when we came back. He had a dog in the car. He was trying to convince her to come out, but doggy was just looking at him and didn't come out. He said, "She is a little shy."
Maybe because we were here, the dog was shy to come out. The owner went to opposite door to convince her to come out. The dog still needed some time to come out, but finally started hiking. It was funny and the dog was cute.
On the way back, we got some sake (nigori) for today's summary and went home.
このワーパックトレイル、英語でWapackトレイルはマサチューセッツ州とニューハンプシャー州にまたがるトレイルでマサチューセッツ州のWatatic山からニューハンプシャー州North Pack Monadnock山をつなぐトレイルなので頭文字をとってWapackトレイルと名付けられたとのこと。
Mount Madison Day Hiking
Presidential range in New Hampshire is pretty. As the name indicates, there are mountains named after former presidents of Unite State. The most famous one is Mount Washington, which is the highest mountain in New England. However, Mount Washington can be reached to the top by cars or train. Due to that, the summit area is very crowded. Compare to Mount Washington, other mountains in the Presidential range is much more peaceful.
One day we chose to hike Mount Madison. Because I am not American, I didn't know Madison was the president of USA. Now I know. It is 5367 foot high.
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Pretty: and yes, this is the trail |
The total 11.5 miles and elevation gain was 4016 feet. We climbed via Madison Gulf trail. This is a tough trail to climb because it contains a lot of scrambling.
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The point we finished the Madison Gulf Trail |
As you can see in the picture above and right, it is pretty with moisture rocks, and these are the trail, not along the trail! This kind of steep, wet, slippery, and rocky section continues very long. It is really pretty, and at the same tough. Due to this condition, we didn't see a single person climbing up via Madison Gulf trail. It looks like everybody climbed Madison from other side. It was hard, but I like peaceful trail and special thing, I liked this trail.
After Madison Gulf trail, there is a hut called Madison Spring hut. There are many people chilling inside and outside of the hut. Water is available for all hikers. I saw some people staying overnight there and doing short hike in the afternoon to the summit of Madison. It is only 0.4 mile for the summit.
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Summit |
The view from summit was very nice. You can see many mountains in the presidential range. One on the south side is Mount Washington. I could see the car road and saw tiny cars going up to the summit. It was funny. Personally I liked Madison more, since only real hikers can be top, and much more peaceful.
On the way back, we took Appalachian trail. On the way we saw an AT hiker going uphill who is very fast. I saw some small camping spot apparently for AT hikers. The sites didn't look very scenic, more practical for literally just sleeping. It looks like very different from JMT. JMT hikers want to camp at scenic places.
I saw Mount Adams next to Madison on the map and looks interesting: now next destination was determined.
プレジデンシャル:プレジデントの、という意味。プレジデントは大統領という意味。つまりこの山脈の山々にはアメリカの歴代の大統領の名前がつけられている。ワシントン山、リンカーン山、アダムス山、といった具合。その中の一つマディソン山へ登ってきた。高さは1636メートル。トータルで18.5 Km, 1224メートルの上りだ。 上りはマディソンゴルフトレイルを選択。マディソン山は比較的人気のある山だが、このトレイルから登る人はほとんどいない。なぜなら傾斜がきつすぎるからだ。岩をよじ登るところがたくさんある。1枚目の写真、水と緑で綺麗だが、実はこれがトレイルだ。このような濡れている岩をよじ登っていかなければならない。ぎゃー。ロッククライミングみたいで楽しいけどこれが続くと結構辛い。実際、このマディソントレイルでは誰一人として降りる人も登る人にも会わなかった。きついトレイルではあるが、誰もいないのはやはり魅力的。その方が静かで自然を満喫できるからだ。実際、水が岩から滴り落ちる様子は美しいものだ。
Kayaking on Concord River
We went kayaking on Concord river today. This is our first kayaking of the season. Finally frozen river got melted recently, so the kayaking season started.
If you are my hardcore blog reader, you know about Concord. Yes. There is Haute coffee in Concord. This is my favorite. Of course we stopped by there to get pour over coffee before hitting the water.
There are several kayaking people just finished at Bedford boat launching area when I arrived there.
Our kayak is inflatable type. It is a great deal for people who don't have much space at home. It was only $550 at REI, so it was very good. However, paddlers and life jackets are also needed, so ended up probably $850. For 2 people, it is not a bad deal.
When we were putting air into the kayak, a guy got interested in and looked at our kayak. Inflatable kayaks are not very usual, so people usually get interested in when we prepare to launch. It is nice to see some those friendly kayakers.
Nice to be on blue water |
It was nice to be on blue water. All rivers were frozen during long winter, so it is a nice feeling finally it is possible to kayak on liquid.
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Runnkeeper's record |
Total was about 6 miles, out and back, but for fun I recorded 1 mile with app Runkeeper. For this 1 mile, Mr.N didn't paddle, I paddled all by myself.
Canada Geese |
The record can be seen in the left picture. Because Runkeeper doesn't provide kayaking activity, I chose rowing. Rowing use much less power to move 1 mile forward. So I am sure it needs more than 82 kcals for 1 mile kayak paddling. For the pace, it took 29 minutes for 1 mile. When we paddle together, it will be synergistically faster.
As you might be able to see in the Runkeeper picture, along the river is wildlife refuge. I heard many birds singing on the trees. We stopped kayaking for a while and listen to them singing. It was nice. Actually we saw several kayakers at the launching area, and two 10 minutes after start point, then nobody was kayaking afterwards. So it was very peaceful. It was nice to observe and listen to birds. Also Canada geese were waking on the shore and swimming.
After coming back to the launching area, we were removing air from the kayak. Then a guy just came to the launching area to start kayaking and he got interested in our inflatable kayak. He is also friendly. I didn't expect so many people are interested in inflatable kayaks. It made me thing we did a good shopping.
Unexpectedly Concord river kayaking was nice.
トータルで6マイルほどカヤックした。途中の1マイル、一人で漕いでアップのランキーパーで記録をしてみた。29分で1マイル。ランキーパーはカヤックがアクテビティの選択の中にないのでローイングを選んだ。ローイングに比べるとカヤックの方が1マイル進むのにはるかにカロリーを使うので 82キロカロリーよりもかなり多くのカロリーを使ったと考えられる。
この川は 野生動物保護エリア沿いにあり、たくさんの鳥を見ることができた。鳥のさえずりを聞くのが意外に楽しいことに気づいた。途中でカヤックを漕ぐのをやめ、しばし鳥のさえずりに没頭した。とても気分がいい。
Marble Mountain Backpacking
I had never heard of the Marble Mountain Wilderness, but it was on my friend's bucket list, so we went backpacking there one weekend. It is located north of Mt.Shasta, and it is a part of the National Forest. Saturday was beautifully sunny. We started in the woods and then ascended. When we reached the trail on the ridge, the view was amazing. Hundreds of mountains were seen as if they were waves. They range green to blue in the distance, then, behind them, there was blue sky.
We made a fire at the campsite because it was quite cold at night. However, my eyes hurt when the smoke came to me depending on the direction of the wind. To avoid the smoke, we had to change positions frequently. It made me feel cold, so I went to the tent because inside my sleeping bag was warmer. However, it was really cold anyway and I couldn't sleep almost at all. In the middle of night, it started raining. In the morning, the rain became snow. It was beautiful, but it was literally freezing cold. The altitude was only 6,000 feet, but I felt it was much colder than Young Lake at the altitude of 10,000 feet in Yosemite. I didn't know why. The good thing was that we enjoyed a sunny Saturday and a snowy Sunday. We saw completely different views in two consecutive days. I was glad that the order, sunny then snow. Otherwise, we would have had to sleep with wet clothes.
We ate Thai/Vietnemese food on the way back to the Bay Area, which was tasty, and went home. I was so happy when I took off my wet socks and had a shower!
そして湖のそばに到着、ここでキャンプをすることにした。夕方になると寒い! ということで火を焚いたがそれでも寒い。夕飯、そして談笑の後、寒いのでスリーピングバックの中へ。それでも寒く夜あまり眠れなかった。標高はそれほど高くない(2000m程度)が、寒い。案の定、朝起きてみると雪が積もっていた。テントにも雪がー。ぎゃー。次の日は霧が立ち込め曇り。霧が湖にかかる様子が美しい(写真2枚目)。
Hancock Loop
It is still deep in the snow in April in New England.
First 2 miles is not steep |
Some snow is melting |
Last weekend Mr.N and I went hiking in Hancock. We got up at 5 a.m. and arrived at a trailhead at 8 a.m. I was surprised that there were already eight cars in the parking lot. We got a spot second to the last.
We hiked a Hancock Loop that connects Hancok north and south peak in White Mountain National Forest. It is near the town of Lincoln, New Hampshire, 9.1 mile, 2575 feet elevation gain.
First 2 miles are very gentle climb and not really felt the uphill. As you can see in the picture, there is still a lot of snow. We started with micospikes, but in case we brought snowshoes. Snow might be soft in the late winter and it might melt in the afternoon.
begenning of Hancock Loop |
After relatively gentle uphill part, there is a junction. This portion is a loop to connects North peak and South peak. We decided to start with North peak, because it is steeper. It is better to do on uphill for the steeper part.
I thought that it was not difficult, but the last 0.5 mile was brutal. The slope was 50-70%. It was so steep, especially with snow. It reminded me of the scree when I climbed Mt.Shasta via Clear Creek route. Well, it was only 0.5 mile here, so not as crazy as Mt.Shasta, but there is a common feature.
North Peak |
First, we reached the north peak. It was a nice view. I was a little hungry, so I ate a half of sandwich. While we were eating, a jay flew over and landed on a branch. He was staring at us.
I said, "Ummm? Maybe he wants food."
So Mr.N held a piece of bread and saw if he would come get it. As you can see in the picture, he got it. He grabbed and few away very quickly. Looked like he knows this peak is the place to get food from human.
tamed bird? |
Although Hancock is still deeply covered with snow, five more hikers came up to the north peak. It was surprising. They were excited about having so much snow in April and each of them took pictures of snow-buried trail sign.
Then we headed for South peak. South peak is not as good view as north, but it was more quiet, in fact nobody was there. Maybe some people go to only north peak. After south peak, super steep downhill was waiting. First I tried sliding down, but it was too steep to keep control. I lost control, so I decided to walk. After 0.4 mile of steepness, I tried sliding down for 0.1 mile. Mr.N was concerned and said later he was worried that that was my last seen.
Then we came back to the trailhead. Good workout!
そしてここからの下りが。。。傾斜がきつい!最初スライドして滑って降りようとしたが、下りの傾斜がきつすぎてコントロールを 失い危険だったので、歩いて降りることにした。
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