
Hawai'i Kauai Island Trip Day8

Day8 was the final day on which we had time to do some activities. We had an open day for day 8. So we decided to do a "very Hawaiian" thing; walking along the beach. We were already camping on the beach, so we walked there in the morning. We thought that we would just walk a mile or so, but Ms.R walked very fast and she continued walking for more than one hour.

Polihale Beach
Polihale Beach

Along the beach there was an U.S. military facility and we saw some detecting devices. They might monitor enemy countries. Mr.S1 turned around after we started walking along the facility. We ended up walking around four miles. On the way back, we saw two people. They had the similar itinerary to ours. Mr.S2 talked with them while Mr.N was swimming in the ocean. I laid on the beach and soaked up the sunshine. I felt comfortable and thought that finally doing a "very Hawaiian" thing. I remembered that my co-worker had asked me why I would go backpacking on the dangerous trail, why not relax on the beach (meaning she thought that we were crazy). I couldn't give her a good answer at that time but I did at least half a day what she had suggested. 

After we enjoyed the beach for half a day, we packed and left the campground. From the Polihale beach to the main road was unpaved. Mr.S1's car got a flat there. It reminded Mr.S2 and me of the incident in the early morning on 4th of July. We got a flat in the middle of nowhere in Yosemite. Neither of us knew how to change a flat, and NOBODY stopped for us. However, this time several cars stopped and asked us if we were okay and needed help. It was nice but I don't know why nobody helped us in CA (sad). Mr.S2 and I remembered how hard untightening nuts first, then we got confused which side of a donut should be outside, and the fact we tightened nuts too much after we put the donut. This time we didn't need an instruction book.

We returned the snorkeling gear at a rental shop and went to a hotel. I preferred camping rather than staying at a hotel, but some people hate flying with dirty clothes. I don't care being clean (and nobody cares whether I'm clean or dirty). I took a shower and enjoyed the final poke dinner. Salmon poke from Ishihara market was so good.





このパンクを見て、少し前に起きたパンクを思い出した。MrS2と私がヨセミテ内の道路をドライブしていた時タイヤの一つがパンクしたのだ。 その時2人ともパンクを直したことがなく、車についているガイドブックを取り出してそれを道路で見ながらパンクを直していたのに、誰も止まってくれなかったのだ。それに比べ、ここハワイでは何人かの車が止まってくれ、ヘルプ必要?などと声をかけてくれた。ハワイ、いいなーと思った一コマだ。


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