Mount Jackson Day Hikng
We climbed another peak, Mount Jackson, which is one of the mountains of the Presidential range in New Hampshire.
At the trailhead
As you can see in the left picture at the trailhead, it is 2.6 miles to the summit of Mt. Jackson. Elevation change is about 2100 feet. It is not too long and not too much elevation gain. It is good for winter day hiking.
We hiked here at the end of April. However, it is still in the snow in White Mountains. Indeed it snowed a day before.
Near the trailhead
First 1.4 miles until junction is not much covered with snow. Mostly there is monorail, which is hard snow portion made by hikers in the winter. So we hiked with microspikes. You can get an idea from the picture in the left. Around the monorail is muddy and snow is melting. Monorail portion is melted last. Actually it was better to walk on the monorail, otherwise it is muddy or you will posthole.

Stream with brown water
The first 1.4 miles, it will cross stream several time. One point, the biggest one had brown water as left picture. It might be melted snow from a day before. It was icy on the rocks near the stream, so I crossed carefully.
Snow Forest
Then after the junction at 1.4 mile point, the forest was getting more covered with fresh snow from previous day. It got much more quiet and I felt like I was in the deep snow forest. I love trees covered with fresh snow. It is beautiful.
When I was looking at pretty trees, suddenly a dog appeared ahead. The doggy ran to us and wagged tail and barked. Then the dog was called and ran ahead again. It was a hiker's dog ahead. I really like to see excited doggies on the trail.
Last part to the summit
Then pleasantly trail is getting steep and finally get out of tree line. From here, it was very windy and cold. It was only around 0.3 mile to the top after passed tree line.
The last part is rocky and icy. It was a little tricky, but not bad. On this day, the top was in the clouds, so not really open view, but still nice feeling to stand on the top. This is my third peak in the Presidential range (Washington, Madison, and Jackson).
Near the summit |
In the summit area, I saw many ice hanging from branches. It was pretty.
On the trail we saw 3 parties in addition to us. It was always nice to see some happy hikers and dogs, but it also nice in winter not too many hikers, because I like to be in the wilderness peacefully.

Near the summit
To be honest, I got disappointed when I saw clouds on the mountain tops in the area at the trailhead, but it turned out to be a nice hike.
4月末のとある日曜日にジャクソン山へ登った。 ジャクソン山はニューハンプシャー州にあるプレジデンシャル山脈にある山のうちの一つだ。プレジデンシャル山脈は歴代のアメリカの大統領の名前がそれぞれの山に付けられている。ジャクソンもアメリカの大統領だった人だ。
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