It was great to sleep with sounds of ocean, but I had to get up several times in the middle of the night. My skin was getting so itchy, because of a sudden change of humidity. My skin was used to high humidity in Osaka or Tokyo but it got adjusted to California weather. I remembered that the first week in CA screwed up my skin. It was very itchy because CA was too dry. Now the opposite thing happened. It was kind of sad...but that was natural body response.
We planned to camp at the same place two consecutive days, so we had a small day hike on day4.
It was supposed to be 5 miles on trail, however, after a mile the trail became unclear and faint. At one point, we saw a mysterious circle made out of rocks. Mr.S2 and I walked in the circle and we saw a plate at the center: "Thank you Mama Kalalau" On the way to the center, I accidentally kicked a rock and messed the shape of circle up. Mr.S2 saw it and shouted at me in a bossy way, "K! FIX THE ROCK!!!"
I answered, "Okay okay all right." I fixed the rock. He said that he told to me to do it strongly because Mama Kalalau told him to do so.
Wandering and found falls |
We continued hiking to get to the destination, a swimming pool, however, it seemed that we were not on the right trail.
Saw bamboos during wandering |
We were hiking for a while, but it didn't seem to reach the destination, a swimming pool. Then we saw a tent in the forest. Mr.S2 went to see if there was somebody to ask the direction, but we didn't see a person. Mr.N said that it was not surprising in Hawaii that people live in the wilderness to grow weeds.
Then suddenly, we met a person with bare feet. Probably he was a hippie who lives in the forest. He said that we were on the wrong trail and kindly took us to the main trail. Mr.S2 asked him several questions. I was a little worried about asking questions if the hippie person was doing illegal stuff in the wilderness, but Mr.S2 didn't care. He said that there was a community garden in the forest and he was staying there for two weeks. The "community garden" might be a place to grow weeds. The reason he took us to the main trail might have been that he didn't want us to find the garden. After we got back to the right trail, we arrived the swimming pool within ten minutes. We took a break there. Mrs were swimming but I took a break on the rock and ate chocolates, because Hawaiian weather in November was cold for me. We walked more unexpectedly, but it was a nice experience to see non-tourists aspect of Hawaii.
カララウビーチでのキャンプ。海の音を聞きながら眠るのは心地いい。しかし、夜中に何回か目を覚ました。皮膚が痒かったからだ。非常に乾いた空気のカリフォルニアから湿気の高いハワイに来たことで皮膚が痒くなった模様。日本にいた頃はもちろん湿気の高い 環境に皮膚は適応していた。カリフォルニアに来た当初1週間はは皮膚が痒かったのだ。しかし今度は逆の現象。やはり体の適応はすごい。
カララウビーチではもう1泊キャンプする予定なんで、この日はテントをそのまま立てておき、カララウビーチの近くでデイハイクをした。5マイル(7・5キロ)の予定でスタート。 1マイルほど歩くとトレイルの見極めがつかなくなって来た。うーむ。あまり人が歩いていないのか。目的地は数マイル先のプール(ちょっとした湖)だが、一向に着く気配がない。多分トレイルを歩いていると思っていたがどうやらトレイルではなかったらしい。すると突然、森の中にテントが。道を聞くために人がいるか見渡したが誰も見当たらない。MrNによるとハワイでは森の中にキャンプし違法なドラッグを栽培している人がいるということで、そういう人のテントだったのかもしれない。
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