Kayaking on Concord River
We went kayaking on Concord river today. This is our first kayaking of the season. Finally frozen river got melted recently, so the kayaking season started.
If you are my hardcore blog reader, you know about Concord. Yes. There is Haute coffee in Concord. This is my favorite. Of course we stopped by there to get pour over coffee before hitting the water.
There are several kayaking people just finished at Bedford boat launching area when I arrived there.
Our kayak is inflatable type. It is a great deal for people who don't have much space at home. It was only $550 at REI, so it was very good. However, paddlers and life jackets are also needed, so ended up probably $850. For 2 people, it is not a bad deal.
When we were putting air into the kayak, a guy got interested in and looked at our kayak. Inflatable kayaks are not very usual, so people usually get interested in when we prepare to launch. It is nice to see some those friendly kayakers.
Nice to be on blue water |
It was nice to be on blue water. All rivers were frozen during long winter, so it is a nice feeling finally it is possible to kayak on liquid.
Runnkeeper's record | |
Total was about 6 miles, out and back, but for fun I recorded 1 mile with app Runkeeper. For this 1 mile, Mr.N didn't paddle, I paddled all by myself.
Canada Geese |
The record can be seen in the left picture. Because Runkeeper doesn't provide kayaking activity, I chose rowing. Rowing use much less power to move 1 mile forward. So I am sure it needs more than 82 kcals for 1 mile kayak paddling. For the pace, it took 29 minutes for 1 mile. When we paddle together, it will be synergistically faster.
As you might be able to see in the Runkeeper picture, along the river is wildlife refuge. I heard many birds singing on the trees. We stopped kayaking for a while and listen to them singing. It was nice. Actually we saw several kayakers at the launching area, and two 10 minutes after start point, then nobody was kayaking afterwards. So it was very peaceful. It was nice to observe and listen to birds. Also Canada geese were waking on the shore and swimming.
After coming back to the launching area, we were removing air from the kayak. Then a guy just came to the launching area to start kayaking and he got interested in our inflatable kayak. He is also friendly. I didn't expect so many people are interested in inflatable kayaks. It made me thing we did a good shopping.
Unexpectedly Concord river kayaking was nice.
トータルで6マイルほどカヤックした。途中の1マイル、一人で漕いでアップのランキーパーで記録をしてみた。29分で1マイル。ランキーパーはカヤックがアクテビティの選択の中にないのでローイングを選んだ。ローイングに比べるとカヤックの方が1マイル進むのにはるかにカロリーを使うので 82キロカロリーよりもかなり多くのカロリーを使ったと考えられる。
この川は 野生動物保護エリア沿いにあり、たくさんの鳥を見ることができた。鳥のさえずりを聞くのが意外に楽しいことに気づいた。途中でカヤックを漕ぐのをやめ、しばし鳥のさえずりに没頭した。とても気分がいい。
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