On the way it rained on and off. The rain sometimes looked like a curtain. It was pretty.
The pattern of raining reminded me of my days biking to school in Tokyo. It was one-way 10 km, and sometimes I got soaked, because it was unpredictable when it would start raining. The rain texture was similar to the one I remembered. I felt nostalgic and good.
The scenery going opposite direction was slightly different from the views we hiked in, and I really enjoyed it.
Pretty Valley |
We arrived at the trailhead by 4 p.m. Then we went to a grocery store and I got poke.
At one grocery store called Foodland there was a person who was selling Kauai coffee. She noticed that I am Japanese and talked to me in Japanese, however, the grammar was terrible with strong accent. So I answered in English. She was probably 3rd or 4th generation of Japanese American. She said that her husband produced coffee in his plantation, but according to Mr.N, her coffee was roasted in Kauai but not made in Kauai.
State of Hawaii is supposed to have many Japanese Americans, but I didn't see clues in Kauai. I only noticed that one grocery store called Ishihara is Japanese name. Also I didn't see a Japanese tourist in Kauai. It was interesting.
I finished the day by eating poke in a tent, which made me happy.
この日は雨が降ったり止んだりしていた。時々 、雨が山の斜面でカーテンの様に見え綺麗だった。この降ったり止んだりする雨、東京の雨に似ている。大学まで10キロ毎日通っていた頃が思い出され懐かしくなった。ハワイってアメリカだけどカリフォルニアと言うよりは、わりと日本に似ているんだなぁと実感。
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