
Mount Madison Day Hiking

Presidential range in New Hampshire is pretty. As the name indicates, there are mountains named after former presidents of Unite State. The most famous one is Mount Washington, which is the highest mountain in New England. However, Mount Washington can be reached to the top by cars or train. Due to that, the summit area is very crowded. Compare to Mount Washington, other mountains in the Presidential range is much more peaceful. 

One day we chose to hike Mount Madison. Because I am not American, I didn't know Madison was the president of USA. Now I know. It is 5367 foot high.

Pretty: and yes, this is the trail

The total 11.5 miles and elevation gain was 4016 feet. We climbed via Madison Gulf trail. This is a tough trail to climb because it contains a lot of scrambling. 

The point we finished the Madison Gulf Trail

As you can see in the picture above and right,  it is pretty with moisture rocks, and these are the trail, not along the trail! This kind of steep, wet, slippery, and rocky section continues very long. It is really pretty, and at the same tough. Due to this condition, we didn't see a single person climbing up via Madison Gulf trail. It looks like everybody climbed Madison from other side. It was hard, but I like peaceful trail and special thing, I liked this trail. 

After Madison Gulf trail, there is a hut called Madison Spring hut. There are many people chilling inside and outside of the hut. Water is available for all hikers. I saw some people staying overnight there and doing short hike in the afternoon to the summit of Madison. It is only 0.4 mile for the summit. 


The view from summit was very nice. You can see many mountains in the presidential range. One on the south side is Mount Washington. I could see the car road and saw tiny cars going up to the summit. It was funny. Personally I liked Madison more, since only real hikers can be top, and much more peaceful. 

On the way back, we took Appalachian trail. On the way we saw an AT hiker going uphill who is very fast. I saw some small camping spot apparently for AT hikers. The sites didn't look very scenic, more practical for literally just sleeping. It looks like very different from JMT. JMT hikers want to camp at scenic places. 

I saw Mount Adams next to Madison on the map and looks interesting: now next destination was determined. 


プレジデンシャル:プレジデントの、という意味。プレジデントは大統領という意味。つまりこの山脈の山々にはアメリカの歴代の大統領の名前がつけられている。ワシントン山、リンカーン山、アダムス山、といった具合。その中の一つマディソン山へ登ってきた。高さは1636メートル。トータルで18.5 Km, 1224メートルの上りだ。 上りはマディソンゴルフトレイルを選択。マディソン山は比較的人気のある山だが、このトレイルから登る人はほとんどいない。なぜなら傾斜がきつすぎるからだ。岩をよじ登るところがたくさんある。1枚目の写真、水と緑で綺麗だが、実はこれがトレイルだ。このような濡れている岩をよじ登っていかなければならない。ぎゃー。ロッククライミングみたいで楽しいけどこれが続くと結構辛い。実際、このマディソントレイルでは誰一人として降りる人も登る人にも会わなかった。きついトレイルではあるが、誰もいないのはやはり魅力的。その方が静かで自然を満喫できるからだ。実際、水が岩から滴り落ちる様子は美しいものだ。






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