Beach we camped |
In the morning at the breakfast, we chatted with random campers. They offered us hot water. Because our stove from Walmart was broken by using only one day, we were happy to have hot liquid.
On the 6th day, we went to the south shore and went out for snorkeling. It was my first time trying it. I should have been able to breath through a tube, but immediately I went inside the ocean, the fair amount of sea water came into my mouth. It was so salty. I had forgotten how salty the sea water was. To fix my gear, I put my body Mr.N's back so that I could breath above the sea. By doing that, Mr.N sank into the ocean (FYI: I apologized him at least three times afterwards). I had enough sodium chloride that day. Not only breathing part, but also to put goggles tightly on my face not to lose my contact lenses made me nervous. Despite of those factors, I was able to see many fish and a turtle. They were very cute. Mr.S1 and Mr.S2 were also having fun with their first snorkeling as well.
Then Mr.S2 got terrible Thai pad and went to the campground and ate poke, beer, and whiskey (Mr.R). Mr.R got happy with whisky and went to bed on a hummock. Immediately I heard snoring and my tent was next to his hummock....
カウアイキャンプの旅6日目は南のビーチでスノーケリングをした。 これが私の人生初のスノーケリングとなった。スノーケリング:スノーケルを通して空気を吸うことができるはずなのだが。。。。なぜか海水がスノーケルから絶え間なく入って来て息ができない!そして海水は相当しょっぱい。息ができないので仕方なくMrNの背中を押して這い上がり息を吸った。これによりMrNは海の中へ。魚もとカメを観れ, すごく可愛かったのだが息が絶え絶えだったのと波が大きすぎたためしばらくして退散することにした。
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