
Florida Canoe Backpacking in Everglades Day2


On Day2 we canoed to another beach camping spot, Northwest Cape. It is nice to canoe on the ocean. Sometimes go into the side mangrove rich area and took a break. One section in the inner portion, we stopped there and had lunch on the canoe. Mangroves are iconic and fits with Florida weather. Nobody was there and it was very quite.


Usually during backpacking, tiredness comes to my shoulder and legs. This time it was very different. All arms! I have strong muscles on legs, but not much arms. People say canoeing use whole body muscles, but for me it was mostly arms. Maybe it was because my paddling form was not good, or maybe because I have weak arm muscles. However, day2 was not very long day, so we were able to reach the beach way before sunset. Again, nobody was on the beach, so the beach was private. 

Sunset and Canoe on the beach
Amazing Sunset

Seeing sunset on private beach....how luxurious it is! It is priceless.  

 One down side of Florida camping is bugs. Even in December, there are mosquitoes and no-see-ums.

Grrrrrr. ALL mosquitoes and no-see-ums bit only me. Actually every night I got 20-30 bites and Mr.N got ZERO! NONE for him. Definitely there are people who are bitten a lot and some get none. Those resistant people have benefits when they are with susceptible people.  Mr. N got bitten only when I had Deet and he didn't. Unfair.  Well, even though the bites, it is absolutely no doubt worth going canoe backpacking. 

カヌーキャンプ2日目。2日目はさらに北上し違うビーチ、ノースウエストケープでキャンプする予定。 カヌーで海を渡るのは楽しくエキサイティングなアクティビティだ。漕ぐのに疲れて来た時ちょうど入江があったのでそこに入りしばし漕ぐのをストップして休憩。フロリダにはマングローブがたくさん生えている(1枚目の写真)。誰もいない静かな空間でフロリダの空気、植物、海を感じた。



ただ、一つ耐え難かったのは、蚊 とヌカカ(糠蚊)。2種類も蚊が。。。ヌカかは本当に小さくて見えないくせに刺されると猛烈にかゆい!!1日目、2日目と合わせて50個くらい刺された。なのに。。それなのに!MrNは一つも刺されなかったのだ。ゼロ。この日の夜から私は常に強力な蚊除け薬のディートを全身に塗ることにした。

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