Not only cats, but also a lot of chickens were looming around in the campground. One of the differences in Californian campgrounds and Hawaiian ones was the garbage. In CA, all garbage cans are bear proof. No animals can reach the food leftovers that way. However, trash cans are open in Hawaii, because there are no bears. That's why house cats can survive in campgrounds in Hawaii. The roosters started crying before the sunrise, which disturbed my sleep. I had never heard them protesting before the sunrise. Also very early morning, I heard Mr.R talking to Mr.S1. "I heard that a ranger would give us a ticket, because we camped at the wrong place. The actual campground is over there." Mr.R was so scared and he already packed his hammock.
Mr.S1 conveyed this message to Mr.N, but Mr.N said that it shouldn't be a problem.
I got up relatively early because of these sounds, and went to the restroom. There was a local woman who was cursing very loud to her daughter (Is it Hawaiian thing?). It reminded me of the fact that I learned a lot of bad words from Ms.M.
We repacked stuff for backpacking. Mr.S2 had too many bars, and I asked him to carry chestnuts and chocolates.
Now we headed for the starting point of Kalalau trail.
Before going to the trailhead, we stopped by a grocery store Foodland in Princeville. It was a local store and I was able to find authentic poke. I was very excited. I got ahi poke and it was delicious. TASTY. Finally I ate authentic food.
Then we headed for the starting point of Kalalau trail. Surprisingly there were many people at the trailhead, and one person was even selling her homemade banana breads. There were of course a lot of chickens.
After we took pictures as “before hike: clean version”, we started hiking. From the beginning, the trail was very muddy and rocky. Surprisingly there were many hikers. The first ocean view around at 0.5 mile point was amazing. The ocean was emerald green and blue. Somehow I love emerald green since I was little, and it always attracts me. It makes me feel excited and refreshed. 
After a mile of walking, we saw a man laying on the trail with an emergency blanket. I tried to look at him closer and walked a little faster, then I fell. Luckily I didn't get hurt.
The man on the ground was conscious, but he broke his elbow. He was shaking systemically. Mr.N had a device called DeLorme inReach; two-way satellite communicator. So we were able to contact the nearest ranger station to get help, although Mr.N was confused how to used it. Luckily we had DeLorme inReach expert Ms.R who posts stuff from Delorme on Facebook. We were a little relieved to hear that a man from the fire station was on the way. To stay with him at least the ranger would come was the right thing, so we hang around him. Mr.S2 offered him chocolate and snack. Mr.S1 (a vegan) found out that the injured man a vegan as well and talked about vegan restaurants.
The reason why Mr.N had the device was that he was rescued in the wilderness last summer. At that time Mr.N didn't have the device but random hikers Mr.A and Mr.R offered us to use their satellite device SPOT, and they stayed with us until a rescue came for 4 hours. I remember that I felt extremely grateful for them to stay with us. Now Mr.N used a device for a random hiker who needed help and we stayed with him. It was great, it reminded me of a movie "Pay it Forward".
After 2 hours, the fire department person came and fixed his arm. He was able to walk after resting. We made sure that he was walking OK and we continued our way.
Because of the temperature and humidity, the flora was very different from California. The forest was like tropical and moist. I really liked it. It was much more similar to Japan than California.
After 5 miles of hiking, we reached our campsite in the forest. I had a headache, so I went to bed very early.
MrNがDeLorme inReachを持っていたので、レンジャーに連絡することができた。DeLorme inReachはサテライト機能を持つ連絡ツールで、その場所から一番近いレンジャーステーションに連絡することができるデバイスだ。これにより、レンジャーがこちらへ向かっていることがわかりホッとした。肘の骨折があるものの男性は喋ることはでき、MrS1と同じくビーガンであることが判明しMrS1とビーガンレストラン話で盛り上がっていた。ふむ。大丈夫そうだ。
2時間ごファイアーステーションんの救助隊が到着。腕を固定して男性を抱えながら トレイルヘッドへ向かっていた。それを見送り我々は1日目のキャンプ地を目指し歩き始めた。
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