Florida Canoe Backpacking in Everglades Day3
This day we left the ocean coast line and turned into the inner side. We canoed into Shark River, then to Oyster Bay. We were new to this area, so we didn't know the tide pattern. So apparently we were paddling during hardest time, meaning going against the tide. One point on the Shark river, I took a break from paddling, because my arms hurt from the previous two-day paddling. When I stopped paddling, Mr.N ordered, "Paddle it!" I said, "My arm hurt!" I literally paddled until my arm really hurt. After waiting a minute, I paddled again, but my arm even got hurt more, so I got to the point I couldn't paddle anymore by the time we arrived the day3's destination. It seemed that the next 2 days Mr.N would have to paddle by himself...
On the inner sides, of course there are no beaches to camp. Also Any small lands are too muddy to camp. Due to that, there are platforms to camp, which is called chickee. Chickees are shelters with roof, but without walls. They are used native people in Everglade area. Now chickees are used in Everglades National Park for campers. The photo below is a double chickee. Two parties can camp at this chickee. A porta-potty is shared with two parties.This is quite interesting and unusual experience.


On the way to the chickee on the ocean, in river, in the bay, we saw many Florida dolphins! It was very exciting. When they saw me, sometime them jumped and spun as if they were happy to see me.
At the double chickee, next party was two females. They were doing 10 day canoe trip on wilderness waterway in Everglades. They had done it before, and had canoed in Florida a lot and knew very well the area. Mr.N asked about the current and when was the good time to go the next morning. They kindly taught us about the current this area. Furthermore, they gave me a map with current. Very nice of them. It turned out very early morning is the easiest due to the tide. So we went to bed early.
カヌーキャンプ3日目。この日は海から内部の入江部分へと入る。シャークリバーを通りオイスターベイへ。我々はフロリダも初めてだし、このエリアに来たのも初めて。なので、潮の満ち引きのパターンを知らない。どうやら我々、潮の流れに逆らって一番辛い時に逆方向にカヌーを漕いでいたのだ。 はー。だからこんなに疲れたのかと後から気づいた。しばしの間漕ぐのをやめて休息しようとしたらMrNに漕ぎ続けるように言われたほどだ。
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